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"How are you doing today, Jungkook?"

Jungkook relaxed into the chair in Minjoon's office, his neuro-psychologist. It was time for his weekly check-in. For the first time in a while, it was a visit he was looking forward to.

He looked away for a moment to really ponder the question, and a gradual smile began to develop, his cheek lifting into a slanted grin. "I'm good," he nodded. "I'm good today."

The statement was true and had been for the days leading up to the visit. His recent feelings of apprehension in seeing Minjoon had vanished like morning mist at noon thanks to the stretch of calm preceding.

Sunny days. That's what she called them.
His lower lip nestled between his teeth.

Minjoon's voice brought him back to the conversation. "I'm glad to hear that," he smiled, opening Jungkook's chart in front of him.

"Tell me what's new. Have you been recovering any more of your memories?"

"Yes!" Jungkook beamed. "It's been mostly small things since the last time we talked, but like, really good small things. I remembered some things about Noona and that made her really happy."

"That's great to hear. Things with her have been going well?"

"Yeah," Jungkook said, feeling the apples of his cheeks beginning to tingle. "We are..."

Visions of pizza making and slow dancing in the kitchen permeated his thoughts, and her twinkling laughter echoed in his mind. Laughter he sought to inspire on a daily basis.

"We're doing good," he smiled. "We're getting closer."

Minjoon nodded and smiled along with him. "I'm glad to hear that. You've been wanting that for a while now."

"Yeah. I've been trying," he chuckled. "I wish I could remember everything about us, though. About Hyori too. I remember my emotions more than our words or things we did, but I remember being happy. I want to get back to that."

"That's understandable. Try not to push yourself too hard to recall everything at once or you may end up creating a source of stress for yourself. Excessive stress would only derail the progress you're making. Just continue what you've been doing, because it all works together to exercise your brain and rebuild those neural networks. I think as time passes you may find yourself remembering more."

Jungkook beamed at the possibility. Maybe all of his life's problems wouldn't be solved, but at least he would have that missing part of his life back. The puzzle pieces that had been revealed to him so far told a story that he wanted to be a part of again, with all of its highs and lows.

Because the lows were landmarks on the map of his life too.

"I hope so," Jungkook said. "I want to remember."

Minjoon nodded empathetically, his expression becoming more serious. "How have you been handling Justin? Have you felt the need to assume that identity recently?" He asked.

✔️ Unconditionally [Book 2] | Jeon Jungkook Where stories live. Discover now