70. we must be killers

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70. we must be killers

 we must be killers

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     SHE WAS WOKEN BY A ROUGH HAND SHAKING HER CAREFULLY. There was only person she knew who could combinate those two things and so she mumbled his name in anger before even opening her eyes. She turned on her back and blinked against the expected brightness of the light, only there was none. Frowning she sat up, looking around she noticed the sun hadn't even risen yet.

'Why are waking me this early?' She mumbled, not even caring to surpress her anger as she squinted through the darkness at the redneck seated before her.

'Huntin',' he simply replied, pushing himself back on his feet. He didn't even wait for her to fully wake and already started walking in a fast pace away from camp and into the forest.

'Great,' she grumbled before pushing herself off the ground, shaking the remains of her sleep away, gathering her weapons and running after him into the forest. Her body still ached but more like the aching you felt on the third day of muscle strain. It was there but far away in the background. Being hit by a car was no small thing and she knew it would take a while for her to fully heal but she was growing more impatient with each passing day.

She followed him through the bushes while pushing low hanging branches out of her face. She was about to ask him if he could even see something in this darkness but decided not to because one, she'd probably get no answer but a grunt or two. You never really knew when it came to Daryl...

'Is this another hunting lesson?' She asked after they'd walked in silence for a while. 'I never asked for those. You should've woken Beth.' To be honest, she didn't really mind walking after him through the dark, she just hated feeling useless and there was no place she felt more useless than a hunt. Especially when it was this dark. There were just some things she'd never learn, hunting being one of them.

Daryl, as usual, didn't respond and just kept walking through the forest. It still amazed her how quiet he was, like he was flying instead of walking. She watched the muscles in his arm and back move as he manoeuvred through the forest like he belonged here instead of in a house with walls. When she realised she'd been staring for just a little bit too long she shook her head and looked away. It still surprised her how drawn she felt to him. She first felt it sitting in that old shed with him and Beth. There she realised for the first time how similiar the two of them were and ever since that conversation she only felt that bond with him grow.

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