77. remember

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77. remember


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     SHE STARED UP AT THE HUGE WALLS in front her. They stretched up high into the sky, a strong fortress to shield people from the dangers that lurked in the outside world. It seemed like Aaron had spoken the truth when he was saying how strong they were. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a second, forcing herself to believe this was real, to accept it. They really were safe now, the fight was over. It all just seemed so hard to believe.

If she listened closely she could hear the sound of children playing and laughing, people chatting and suddenly her heart clenched painfully in her chest. Tears appeared in her eyes without her knowing why and she blinked quickly to get rid of them. Her grip on her daggers tightened, as if the weapons brought her comfort. It was very strange now that she thought about it, she felt more comforted by prospect of war than peace. She had been fighting for so long that the thought of stopping was terrifying.

Rick came standing next to her, carrying Judith on his arm. She could see in his eyes that he was all comforted by the situation either, maybe none of them really was. But the fact that they were trying said more than enough. He noticed her staring and nodded at her, trying to tell her that it was truly okay. She offered him a small smile before turning her eyes back towards the gate, taking a deep breath to calm her nerves.

The gates creaked when they opened and slowly the group moved forwards, with Aaron and Eric in the front. Eric was leaning on his husband, carefully stumbling forwards with his broken ankle. The two men reached the gates first and there Eric was helped by another men further into the safe zone.

A loud bang came from the right side of the street and as one men the group turned, watching as a possum came crawling from behind a fallen garbage can. Within seconds its body was pierced with one of Daryl's arrows. The redneck stepped forward and lifted the animal of the ground by its tail. When they turned back to the gates a man was standing there, staring with wide eyes and a pale look on his face at the animal.

'We brought dinner,' Daryl grunted and his very voice turned the man even more pale.

'It's okay,' Aaron assured the stranger and then gestured for them to come inside. 'Come on in guys.'

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