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Twinkle was terrified. Even in her sleep she was shaking. I shouldn't have done that, I should give her time.  I have to take things slow. With that thought I hugged her even more closer to me and let sleep consume me.

Morning I woke up to a empty bed. I searched for Twinkle in the washroom but she wasn't there. What if she left me because of yesterday?? No this can't be happening.. I can't live  without her. I immediately ran out of room. I searched in kitchen, living area, I even asked my mom but she said she didn't know and that she just came now doing her grocery shopping. I started screaming loudly. I can't live without her.

"Twinkle.. Twinkle.. where are you??" I couldn't control myself. I started throwing things around. Mom tried stopping me but I wasn't listening to her. Seeing my outburst everyone ran towards me. Ethan and dad pulled me back and stopped me from damaging other things.

"Son calm down.. what's wrong with you?? Control yourself." Dad tried controlling me.

"Dad!! Dad, Twinkle left me.. she left me dad.. I want her dada!!" Suddenly we heard laughter near the garden. I recognized that voice, it was her. It was Twinkle's voice. I ran towards the garden and saw her playing in the swing. Samuel was telling her something which made her laugh even more. My Twinkle didn't leave me. I ran towards her and pulled her from the swing. She was looking at me confused. I immediately pulled her into a hug. She put her hands around my neck and hugged me.

"Twinkle!! You didn't leave me. I love you baby. Sorry for what happened yesterday. I thought I lost you. Don't scare me like that baby girl!!" She was hugging me tightly.

"Andrew what's wrong?? Why are you acting like this?" She was really confused.

"Princess I woke up to see you weren't in the bed. I searched everywhere but I couldn't find you. I thought because of yesterday's events you left me." Looks like she understood what I meant.

"Andrew listen to me first. I'm not angry on you for yesterday's thing. In fact I'm angry on myself ok. I'm angry that I couldn't give you what you want. I was bored, so I came to the garde. I found Samuel and we started speaking. And about leaving you!! Don't worry.. your stuck with me. I'm gonna torture you for all the things you have done for me. Don't think you can escape from me soon."she was having fun while telling me this, but I was dead serious when I said the next words.

"Sure Twinkle.. punish me however you want. I'm ready to take anything. But I cannot take even the thought of you leaving me."she was laughing and slapped my hand. Suddenly her eyes widened. She was looking at my hands.

"Oh my god Andrew!! Look at your hand your bleeding." I looked down to see my hands bleeding. Twinkle was breathing heavily now. She was having a panic attack.

"Princess!! Calm down, it's nothing. Listen to me take deep breaths baby!!" She did as I told and finally she calmed down.

Mom came with a first aid kit and started cleaning my wound. My whole concentration was on Twinkle. I couldn't feel any pain, but Twinkle was feeling my pain. She use to hiss when Mom was dabbing my wound.

"Princess who is hurt? You or me? Why are you in pain baby girl?" She blushed and looked down.

I kissed her forehead and she placed her head on my shoulder. Once done everyone went inside.


I could see the love in Andrew's eyes towards Twinkle. Just because he couldn't find Twinkle he hurt himself. The way he was acting around Twinkle made me think twice. Should I take away Twinkle from Andrew and give all the love in the world to her or let her stay with him. Mom came towards me once everyone left.

"I know what your thinking Sam, but do you think what your doing is correct? If you take Twinkle away from Andrew will she be happy? Will she forget Andrew and start a new life with you. Even when Andrew tortured her, she was ready to forgive him and accept him. This tells how much she loves him and how much she needs him. Whatever you do remember one thing, Twinkle should not get hurt in the process."

"Mom but I love her. What about me? What about my feelings towards her?" I knew the answer to it, but I'm ready to accept it.

"Sam I can understand your love towards her. Infact she left us I was devasted just like you. That is Twinkle, she will make everyone fall in love with her. My baby is a jewel. But Sam we should not be jealous. We should let her choose what she wants. And if she wants Andrew, then you should back away."

"Yes Mom, I will speak to Twinkle and Andrew once. I think it's better if I let he go. Her happiness is more important to me." Mom nodded and hugged me.

"Don't worry son, you will surely find your Twinkle in your life one day. Who is meant for you and will love you back!!"

Once mom left I thought about Twinkle again. Even Twinkle loved Andrew so much. When aunty was cleaning his wound, she was in pain. She loves him truely and I don't want to hurt her. She will be happy only when she is with Andrew. I know he made mistake but I think it's good to give him a second chance and see. Everyone makes mistake but also they deserve a second chance. I'm ready to give him that.

If Twinkle will be happy being with him then I'm ready to sacrifice my love for her. I just want what's best for her. I went inside and called Andrew.

"Andrew can you come out? I would like to speak to you." He nodded and left with me. Twinkle looked confused. I know she wants to know what we are going talk, but she has to wait to know that.

"Andrew let's get this straight. I love Twinkle and will always love her." He came to stop me but I continued.

"Listen to me first before you do anything. Just because you love her and she loves you, I can't forget her. But I'm ready to let go of her only if you promise to never make her cry in the future. One drop from her eyes, the next minute your dead."

"I'm sorry for whatever I have done to Twinkle, and I know it's unforgivable. But I'm trying to make everything right. I promise to take care of her and love her till my last breath. She is my everything Samuel. I'm sorry about the way I behaved you, but you can't blame me also. You wanted to take her away from me."

"I know Andrew. But I'm not sorry for what I have done. And don't you even think that I'm forgiving you. I can never forget what you have done to her. But for the sake of her happiness, I'm doing this. So let's forget everything and be good friends."

"Deal!! So come on let's go inside. Twinkle is very curious already to know what we spoke."

"Ya I aw the way she looked when I called you outside." We both laughed at it and went inside. All the eyes where on us.

"Twinkle we have sorted things between us and I hope he treats you well. If he hurts you don't forget I'm there for you. I'm just one call far ok." She looked happy and hugged me and Andrew. We did a group hug.

"Twinkle even I'm there for you. I will fight my brother-in-law for your sake. I hope even my darling wifey is ok with me punching him. What do you say babe??" He winked at his wife and laughed. We pulled him also into our group hug.

"Yes Twinkle even I will knock some sense into my brother!!" Andrew's sister said.

"What is this? No one is on my side!! Everyone are teaming up on me. It's ok I deserve this. But I promise everyone that I will love her with my everything and will never let her cry  of pain, but she will cry with happiness." Andrew promised Twinkle.

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