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Now let's talk for real.

I do think that Tom and Harrison aren't bad but they aren't my type. But the one of the 4 'older than me' boys who stuck out to me most is Sam.

I found him cute but knowing that I might never meet him and that I was only working with his brother and his best friend made me partially drop it.

I, unfortunately, found myself looking at other pictures of him admiring his freckled face. I don't know why but I always had a soft spot for freckles. Even though some might not like them but I absolutely love them.

Then without warning, Maya spoke behind me so I turned around not expecting her and saw a smirk on her face, her eyes still half-closed :

"Ooh, who is that Emma?"

"I-no one " before I could close the tab or slam the laptop shut, she saw his name and widened her eyes:

"Sam Holland? isn't it the last name of your co-star?"

"Um what?! uhh yeah! It's his brother..."

"Ooh savage! Got a liking for the guy don't you?" she said wiggling her eyebrows

"No!! I-I didn't say any of that."

"Come on I know your type and he indeed is absolutely your type. So now I can talk to Harrison or Tom and set both of you up!"

"I don't have a type. And oh my God, you are crazy! Don't you dare ever do it."

"You do. But we'll see about that, young lady."

"mm. Oh and by the way: turns out we all have to be at the main location in less than two weeks so we got to prepare."

"yeah sure well now would you please quit staring at your soon-to-be boyfriend and go to sleep it's like 2:30 am, I think."

I glanced at the clock and it was a few minutes past  2 am. She was right: I had to sleep tomorrow , since the preparation starts.

"OK I'm going to stop and no I don't even know him and neither does he."


"Ugh, you know what? We'll just talk about this in the morning, it will be easier ."

"I was planning on it but you confirmed it . So what a better thing to do than to discuss your newly found love interest !?"

"Bahaha very funny," I said sarcastically.

"Well yeah I am the funny one in this friendship."

"Yeah and I am the sarcastic one."

"Exactly! Well I am going to leave you to dream about prince charming so bye honey!"

"Ugh bye!" I said annoyingly but honestly the teasing didn't really bother me.

But I know that Maya is capable of telling Tom and Harrison everything which really scared me. I also opened my phone and I saw that I had 5 M followers and I was shocked but well all this indirectly thanks to my pal Tom.

I turned off the lights and oddly enough because of Maya, Sam was on my mind for a split second but then nothing but darkness invaded my mind and I went into a deep slumber.

In the morning I woke up refreshed miraculously and I dragged myself to the kitchen. I made Maya and I some waffles and some coffee and then I placed everything on the table.

I went back to my room, checked my emails, and changed into some leggings and a hoodie quickly before Maya woke up so I would catch her before she eats all the waffles which she really is capable of if she is left alone.

I also saw that there were new followers on my socials, on Instagram mostly, but on Twitter as well. I went back to the kitchen and this is when Maya emerged, dressed up, from her room and sat on the wooden stool next to mine.

" So how did your dreams go?"

"Darkness. Utter and complete darkness."

"Well did I influence you enough so you at least thought about him for a mere moment? Be honest."

"UGH FINE! Yes, for like a couple of minutes... but that's because of you!"

"you mean THANKS to me!"

"If you say so."

"So tell me what you found out about him with your stalking skills?" I laughed and answered :

"He is single, has a twin, is Tom's brother, is a year older than me... OH! And once tried to pass for Lil Timmy Tim."

"ooh okay...juicy..anything else? "

"yeah and that he has a pret- I mean a freckled face "

" First wow your ultimate weakness sis.. second did I just hallucinate or were you going to say pretty?"

"No, I wasn't... "

"Mm okay liar."


"For me, it seems like a match made in heaven. "

"ugh you're so cheesy!"

"Yeah sure I'm the one obsessed with romantic movies and books and the one that makes my best friend watch and read them even against her will. Of course, I'm the usual hopeless romantic, am I not?"

"Okay for this you got a point. BUT ONLY for this one! "

"Good enough for me! OK. Anything else now? "

"According to what I saw, Sam sticks to traveling only around Europe."

"Stalking his Instagram I see???"

"No I mean it was a guess. "

"Good attempt but failed MISERABLY."


"Now, tell me hones- "

My phone suddenly went off and I saw an Instagram notification:

Harryholland64 followed you

I smiled a bit but I came back to the discussion and Maya continued where we left off

"so as I was saying tell me how you real- "

My phone went off again so I checked it and a small gasp escaped my lips at the sight of this notification:

Samholland1999 followed you

Maya looked at my phone but I was quick and dumb enough to take it away.

"You are going to tell me Emma right?"


We started a staring contest which destabilized me and she got a hold of my phone. She gasped then squealed then started shouting and fangirling like CrAzY

"No way there is no way on earth oh my... Girl! wake up! Sam Holland followed you."

"I know! I can read, dipshit."

"I was sure you were happy...haha... now tell me what you honestly think of him and I know you stared a bit too long at a shirtless picture of him so..."

"Goddamn it... OK I will say it he is cute and... Oh God," I said while turning crimson red.

"oh god... EMMA!" she started whistling and she looked like she was going to fly off into the grey sky through the apartment's roof.

And I was just staring at her thinking about what I just had confessed and why, God knows how, Sam Holland started following me.


Word Count: 1134

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