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After that we just headed inside and 10 minutes later Haz's sister came barging in greeting everyone and then when she saw me she smiled and said :

" So are you Emma Smith, the girl who got Sam Holland mysteriously whipped? answer? I'll take it as yes. So did my swimsuit fit you?"

" Yeah it was perfect BUT way too revealing..." she chuckled and then Harry added :

" Yeah Sam couldn't get enough of her and couldn't take his eyes nor his hands off of her." She instantly smirked and looked at Sam while speaking to me :

" You're welcome Emma at least Sam had a good show for this afternoon" We just lightly laughed and then her and I just sat talking to each other and she was really one of the sweetest human beings.

During the conversation, Paddy came and told us that we were going to play Never Have I Ever so we all sat in a circle, given two sheets one with 'I have' one with 'Never' and we started as Tom went first :

"Never have I ever wanted to be one of the Kardashians-Jenners" Everyone looked at him weirdly thinking he must have probably been hit hard in the head. No one said anything until I said :

"I have..." Sam looked at me weirdly

" Kendall. She is gorgeous and talented." Sam then quickly shot back :

" And what are you then?"

" I am not as beautiful as her clearly, since she's a model...." I laughed but then he quickly said :

"Emma don't let me kill you." We all laughed and then Haz asked :

"Never have I ever worn pajamas and said that they were normal clothing."

Only Harry, Charlotte and I said 'I have' so Harry said :

"y'all are boring. My turn! Never have I ever stolen money from someone" All the Holland boys looked at Paddy and Sam said :

"Sorry Paddy but we used to take your money when you were younger like... 50 bucks, I think?" His jaw dropped and smacked each of his brother and said :

"Ok now I need 150 bucks" Harry and Tom glared at Sam and 2 minutes later Paddy had 150 pounds in his hands. We all laughed and then it was my turn :

"So never have I ever had a celebrity crush." Everyone said theirs and then Charlotte said :

"Teenager Leo Dicaprio is one hell of a hottie!" We all laughed and then came my turn:

"Well I will have to go with Timothée Chalamet." Tom and Harry were laughing their asses off and Sam was pissed :

"Seriously, what do all the girls have with Timothée bloody Chalamet?"

"Well he is handsome and hot and an amazing actor and sweet and funny and..."

All Sam wanted to do at that moment was to kill me but then I quickly took out my phone, put on the video where Tom was being interviewed by Seth Meyers and Sam widened his eyes and chimed in :

" You have watched this?"

" Who the hell hasn't? Yeah like who pretends to be a French/American actor because he was desperate for a girlfriend?"

They all laughed and he just sat there sulking so I gave Charlotte the phone to continue watching the video and I wrapped my arms around him and whispered in his ear :

" Don't worry though you are the best Timothée lookalike." He smirked and we just came back to the game as it was Paddy's turn :

" Ok guys never have I ever had a crush on a friend's sibling" I just rolled my eyes while Tom, Haz and Harry were smirking at me so I just said :

" I have." Then Tom said :

" Well who is it?"

" The question is if I ever had not on who I have, dipshit."

They just huffed and Charlotte told us how she once liked of her best friend's brother in Year 8 but that he was dating another girl and how she once crashed at her friend's house just to hang out with him and it was so funny.

There was Charlotte and Sam left so she went in first :

" Ok you divs never have I ever met a celebrity, apart from Tom" They all shared crazy stories and Tom recalled how he met RDJ for the first time :

"When I saw him I was like " Oh my God it's Robert Downey Junior" and I waved my hands frantically" and we all laughed

The twins told us about his brother's red carpets and Harry told us about Elizabeth Olsen and then I told them that I had met Emma Watson once and it was one of the best days of my life and I fangirled hard for a whole week.

In the end came Sam's turn so he went on and spoke up :

" Never have I ever stalked someone on their socials..."

I internally thanked God that Maya wasn't there or else she would've exposed right away. Everyone said theirs but most of them were celebs so I just went on and said that I had stalked Timothée's account but instead Sam told me :

"Me or the real one though?"

"The real one duh! " He then rolled his eyes in annoyance and I silently laughed. In the end we just decided to go out for some pizzas.

We strolled around the city, as the weather had gotten cold and we entered the restaurant. We sat and chatted before ordering our food and eating it. After that we went back home and decided to watch some movie and they played Pixar's "UP" but then I said :

" No, come on! I don't want to cry!" Sam then answered me right away :

"Don't worry love I will be here to comfort you" I just rolled my eyes but snuggled to his side even more as the movie started playing. In the end I was full on sobbing and I had dug my face in Sam's chest so the rest wouldn't look at me.

He lightly rubbed my arms in slow steady motions until I calmed down. When the credits had stopped rolling and it was 1 am, Haz and Charlotte left and the boys went to their respective rooms and I just put on my PJs and snuck down to Sam. We laid on the couch and talked a bit :

" So...we are the 27th so we are soon leaving, on the 28th in the morning."

" Yeah, love." I nuzzled my face in his neck

" I will miss London."

" Same here."

" And Paddy!"

" No I will not." I just playfully hit him on the chest

" At least Paddy is better than you!"

" Really, how come?"

" Mm let me think..." He just got me closer to him :

" You will never find anything because I am way better."

" ha ha very funny now shut up."

" make me, darling." 


Word Count : 1200

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