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We went on, sat on the couch, took the snacks, and put on some movie she wanted to watch:

"I have seen this movie a couple of times. I loved it. I want to see if you have ever watched it."

"Sure, just show me."

She then put How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days. Not knowing what this movie was about, I told her to play it.

She would always comment on some scenes. I would listen to her intently. Sometimes we would say 'mood' and laugh. When the movie was almost over, Maya and Haz came in. Maya saw what we were watching as she sighed loudly and said:

"Good luck Sam. Once you watch just one romantic movie, this is the only type of movie you will be watching." Then Emma spoke up:

"Shut up, Maya! How is it my fault if you don't like these movies? And since Sam didn't seem to mind, we watched it." Then Harrison just had to:

" Well, then Emma, you got Sam whipped."

" No, it just means Sam appreciates the better and finer things in life. That's what it's all about."

They just rolled their eyes and went back out, leaving us alone to finish this movie. After we had finished it we went out to join the rest. Maya and Emma went on a walk leaving Harry, Tom, and I alone. I took it as a chance to see where Haz was with Maya. Tom started:

"So mate, any updates?"

" Well, yesterday we went back to the trailer where she inattentively tripped. I caught her before she fell and felt her lean in towards me. Nothing happened, though, so I just gave up."

"Haz, go talk to her."

"Take her to the back of the set and tell her how you feel! If she doesn't feel the same way, I promise that I will give you 100 bucks."

Harrison then rolled his eyes, sighed, and said:

"Wow, the confidence Tom. Well, I don't give a fuck about the money. But I guess you are right. I will never know if I don't try. I will talk to her right now."

He then got up to find the girls while we were just here cheering him up and being supportive like three complete idiots. Well, Harry and Tom for sure. I am not as dumb as they are. That's known.


I took Maya with me and walked around set before I just had to ask her how it has been going with Haz:

"So, Maya, how is it with Haz?"

"Well, when we came back to the trailer, I was going to bed. Unfortunately, something on the floor made me trip over it. I thought I was falling, head first, on the floor. Instead, he immediately caught me. I felt myself getting closer and closer, but for some reason, I backed out and just went to sleep..." 

I saw that she was quite sad. I then told her:

"Try and talk to him and figure unsolved things between both of you because you have nothing to lose. Whatever happens, know that I'm here for you. I will always be. It's not because I hang out with Sam or anyone else for that matter..." she smirked,

"... that I won't be here for you. If you ever need me or want to talk, you know where to find me. Deal?

"Deal. And yeah, I will wait to see if he will talk or bring it up first. If he doesn't, well, it will be my job."

We then went back to where the boys were previously hanging out. They weren't there. Then out of nowhere, Sam and Haz came up behind us. So when we turned around, I looked at Maya, reassuring her that everything will turn out perfectly. Sam took us to a higher level of the set. We met up with both Harry and Tom. From up there, we could see Haz and Maya talking.


I was visibly stressed and confused but then Haz spoke up:

"Maya, can we go somewhere else? I need to speak to you."

"Yeah, sure." He took us to the back of the set, sitting in front of each other. He was frustrated as he took a deep breath.

Afterward, he closed his eyes before opening them back and said:

"Okay, so Maya, ever since I met you, I have been thinking about you constantly. I know you might think that I'm overdramatic: I like it when you talk and smile and laugh. I just like everything about you.

You are gorgeous, inside and outside, and I genuinely like you. But maybe you don't feel-"

" Well, since the day I first saw you, I thought you would never like me like that. But at the same, I was falling for you even more.

I like the way you care about those surrounding you, how scared you get sometimes, and how you are always willing to help me and others around you, you have those amazing qualities,"

He then cut me off by crashing his lips onto mine, making the kiss perfect. Until we heard the boys lose their minds as we just rolled our eyes:

"Maya Martin, will you go out with me?"

The boys hollered even louder and went wolf-whistling. I then quickly nodded and kissed him again.


Word Count: 1061

enjoy :) 

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