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By 6 pm, the entire family was here, and we had a lot of pleasure playing games and singing traditional Christmas songs, then we watched a couple of movies, and the meals were exquisite. I always look forward to Christmas for the food and presents.

At about 1 am, everyone went back to their houses, and we just went to sleep, but I still couldn't fall asleep correctly, so I tried wandering around the house inaudibly, but no advantage to that. I also attempted to listen to some calming music, but no use in this either.

In the end, I just came back downstairs and played some random movie, and I fell asleep in front of the soft noises of the TV.

And in the morning, my mum asked me why I wasn't sleeping in my room, and she just made me spill everything. She was snickering, and I was staring at her while speaking, an amused look on her face. I reflected on how much I missed the boys' teasing, but oh well, nothing I could do regarding it.


When we landed in the UK, I was drained, and the moment we arrived home, I greeted everyone and immediately took a nap of like four hours. Following that, I face-timed Emma for a couple of hours.

I then went downstairs and chatted with the fam, and they were smirking, but before I could ask, they showed me an article on Tom's phone, and it was about reports of Emma and me dating and there it was: a picture of us laughing and dancing in the rain the night we went out for tacos.

My face went completely red, and they all commenced whistling, and my Instagram was blowing as well as Emma's, and she even texted me saying that people are stupid, and I just laughed.

After that commotion, mum told us that one of her old friends that she reconnected with recently was coming to have lunch tomorrow and then, she informed us that she has a daughter, Harry and I's age, so I just sighed because I would rather have Emma, but she is busy, so I just glanced at Harry and told him :

"Well, Harry, she is all yours!" They all smirked, and I just shrugged my shoulders and went back to my bedroom. Once I laid in bed, I just felt like something was missing, and it was just Emma.

After that we just had dinner, and we caught up with Paddy, who we told about the fact that Emma was going to visit us sometime in the next few days and he was over the moon :

"Wow, finally, someone with a brain around here." We all rolled our eyes at him, and he went on :

"Well, Sam, you peasant, don't presume that I'll let you spend time with Emma cause she will be having fun with me and you will have to deal with those two dickheads." We felt like strangling him, but I just stated :

"She said the same thing the last day, like are both of you communicating confidentially or something?" Harry and Tom glanced at me, smirking, and Paddy clarified :

"Yeah, I told you she likes me more, ha! This is why all of you need to understand that you're nothing compared to me. So now, while I do something beneficial with my life, you can go shopping for some brains."

It had gotten rather late, so we all went to sleep, but I couldn't bring myself to shut my eyes.


I was awoken by my mum yelling and telling us to get ready as quickly as we could. I then shifted around and remarked that the time was 11:30. Great, great. I put on my outfit and some make-up and then we got in the car.

We went somewhere quick to get a gift and got there directly before 1 pm. My mum left the car and hugged the woman in front of me while Ben went back home with dad because the smart ass had forgotten his phone. When both pulled out of their long embrace, the 'woman' and I looked at each other shocked. How on earth?


"Nikki?" My mum looked at me, astounded, and we explained everything, and then Nikki spoke up, a wild grin plastered on her face :

"Well longing to see the boys or someone in particular?" and my mom spontaneously said :

"Oh, so it's your son who my daughter had been talking about for two days?"

Nikki then agreed joyfully, and the two mums began teasing me while I was reddening like never before under their mischievous stares, but I just chose to shock the boys. I entered the hallways, and when I reached beside the kitchen and the living room, I saw Dominic relaxing and sipping his coffee calmly, but he almost suffocated when he saw me :


" Yes, Mr. Holland." He then told me to call him Dom. Or else, he will kill me. I gladly approved, then heard some yelling from upstairs. I then chose to call :


He emerged on top of the stairs with a perplexed look on his face until he saw me an and we hugged, high fived, and then he shouted :

"Harry and Tom! Mum's friend came, and it's okay, leave the div in his bed." The two boys came down, still not noticing me. The second they recognized me, they ran, and we hugged. Then they stared at me like what a freaking coincidence.

Afterward, they narrated to me what their mother had told them the day before and what Sam answered, which made me faintly flush but then smirk. Harry then stood in front of the stairs :

"Sam, move your lazy ass downstairs! We have visitors!"

"Leave me alone! I haven't slept well all night, so give me a damn break."

"Why, though? What happened?"

"None of your concern! Now go back to that girl mum told you about!"

"Are you positive? You better see who it is before you regret what you just said. Because if you maintain this decision, you can't take it back."

Harry and I smirked, and Harry decided to go up and move him down here himself. Everyone was grinning at me, and I was staking in my surroundings and smiling. A couple of moments had passed when we finally witnessed Sam dragging his feet to the top of the stairs while trying not to collapse on the floor.

"What do you need, mum? And well, you divs, I am awake now, so quit both-"


Word Count: 1172

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