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He was left startled the moment he tenderly laid his eyes on me, his mouth dangling open. I grinned at him, slowly waving at him, and he just bolted down the stairs as quickly as humanly imaginable.

The moment I opened my arms, he hugged me and surprised me by carrying me and whirling me around while holding me tightly, which left me sensing a tad bit dizzy. After we let go of each other, he welcomed everyone else in the room since my dad and Ben had just arrived. Ultimately, Harry went up to both Sam and me and spoke up:

"So Sam, mate, do you take back the decision you told us earlier, or can I still have her?"

"You know the response, you div."

"Well, no, I don't." Sam then hit his twin on the shoulder.

"Okay, I get it! I am not authorized, you jealous div." And there goes another slap, but Harry evaded it in time and got away from Sam, and through the whole quarrel, Paddy and I were laughing our asses off.

We all assembled at the table and ate, talking about everything until midway, Ben pointed in Sam's direction and spoke:

"Oh, Emma, so THAT is your boyfriend!!" I choked on my drink and wanted to kill him, but I just broadened my eyes, then Paddy denied:

"Well, if you are talking about me, then yeah. But if you are talking about that peasant over there, then no. Sorry to disappoint!" We all laughed, and I gave Paddy a thumbs up, and he grinned back.

After we cleaned the lunch table, Tom and I chatted about the movie until Paddy came in, urging us to play with him in a basketball tournament. After some convincing, we all went out and played for an hour. The game was between me, Ben, and Sam, and Tom, Harry and Paddy, who unfortunately won, but before we could begin another round, my mum called me in, and she gave me some not-so-great news :

"Emma, do you remember your cousin, Stacey? Well... she is coming to grandma's house for the week, and you'll have to stay with her and keep her company."

"You must be kidding! No, there must be another way!" I recognize she is my relative and all, but she doesn't even come to my birthdays because they are not 'fashionable enough for her, and she is such a spoiled bitch, so I can't endure her bickering.

"Well, there is no other way, darling."

I just sighed, but then Tom answered out of nowhere :

"Well, she can stay here and have her own bed, Sam will sleep on the couch, and she will travel back to Montreal with us. Voila! " Dom and Nikki chimed in, and they practically said the same thing.

I looked at my dad optimistically, and he just nodded, so I squealed and hugged both my parents. At around 4 pm, I went to my grandma's house to gather all of my stuff, and my dad dropped me off back at the Holland household.

He stared at me sternly and addressed me with a 'don't do anything absurd, Emma' kind of squint. I just hugged him and followed Sam, who was waiting for me at the entrance. After I settled my things in Sam's room, we went downstairs, where Dom and Nikki notified us that they will have dinner someplace and won't be back before midnight.

The moment they left, the boys set out the speakers and some drinks, and I implored Tom not to bring out any alcohol, and he ended up accepting thank God. After that, we began playing some tunes that we danced to like absolute madmen, but then I got a grasp of Tom's phone and disconnected it, and I connected mine alternatively.

I then played 'Dream of You' by Camila Cabello as Sam held me, and we whirled around the house, relishing our time.

After that, we played more wonderful songs. Later, I sat my hopeless overdramatic self on the ground when Falling by Harry Styles came on, which forced Harry to say:

"Do you have a problem with desperate British singers, Emma, or is it just casual?"

"Yes, I do! They are very skilled! Do you have a problem with that?"

"No, but how do you constantly discover songs to relate to in every damn circumstance?" I chuckled at this and fired back an explanation:

"I presume I am used to it." But then Sam chimed in :

"Are you satisfied already by annoying her?"

Paddy attempted to respond with a snide commentary, but Sam and Harry glanced at him, but Harry was smirking, and Sam was pissed:

"Okay, sorry, I was just trying to diffuse the tension..."

Tom halted the music and told us that it was midnight, and we must sleep. He handed Sam a blanket, and each of us went to their corresponding room. I hugged each div and then progressed to my designated bed.

After half an hour, I still hadn't fallen asleep, so I decided to verify if Sam was. I surprisingly found him lounging on the couch, staring at the ceiling. I was hypnotized by the way his eyes shimmered when hit by the faded luminescence of the moon.

I just stood there, watching him until he noticed me, and I just advanced toward him and shyly murmured:

"Hey, umm, I can't sleep..." I seemed like a needy bitch. Ugh, why?!

Without speaking, he just smiled at me and motioned me to lay beside him on the large sofa, and that's what I did. I snuggled to his side, and he encircled his arms delicately around my body, drawing me closer to him as I deposited my head on his chest.

We then glanced at each other and smiled as he kissed me on the forehead, and before we acknowledged it, we were safe and sound asleep. 

= = == == ==  = =Time Skip= = == == == = =

In the morning, I was stirred awake by Paddy, so I got up, entirely neglecting where I was until the entire Holland family was staring at Sam and me, smirking. I furiously blushed and raced upstairs to switch my clothes.

After I had dressed, I twirled around and noticed Sam by the doorway, so I just went up to him and gave him a big bear hug, and he enveloped my body in his arms :

"Good morning, love," he said, the pet name initiating butterflies in my stomach.

"Good morning, Sammy." He then pulled me closer to his chest as I shut my eyes, appreciating the warmth radiating from his body.


Word Count: 1172

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