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We left to find Sam and Emma, who must be watching some romantic movie. Once again. I then called the rest of the group, and we decided that we should go out and eat some pizza.

We then went to check on the It-couple, and when we entered their shared trailer, we all felt like hollering, but we shut up: They were sleeping cuddled up, and it was the cutest sight.

Naturally, we couldn't give a crap about what Emma said about us taking pictures, and we just took a dozen. Then, we decided if she ever becomes annoying, we will send them to both Sam and her's phones and make them mad.

We then saw warm towels and snacks on the bedside table, and we knew that well it was that time of the month how girls hate us to use it. We just smiled at them and carefully closed the door, making sure not to wake them up. Afterward, we decided to eat and come later to check up on them again.


I woke up around 3 pm, but I was so comfortable I didn't even want to move. I turned to the side, instantly realizing the position I was sleeping in. I wanted to move away, out of shyness, but instead admired Sam's freckles while smiling. 

After a couple of minutes, he opened one of his eyes, and he spoke with a husky voice :

"What is it?"

I moved a considerable distance away from him before answering:

"Nothing... I just really like your freckles."

He then dug his face into the pillow as I made him face me again while I spoke up :

"Sam, you know freckles are beautiful, right?"

" Well, they are one of my insecurities, and I usually try to brush it off, but I was called a lot of names when I was younger like 'freckled freak' or a lot of things like that."

" Whoever said that is just blind and needs their eyes checked real quick because freckles are gorgeous. You should feel comfortable in your own body and not give a damn about what other people think of you.

I used to be called a lot of names too. I used to have my face covered with acne for more than four years. Don't even get me started on the names. Like you told me this morning: 'The personality is what defines a person, not their appearance."

After that, he shocked me by nuzzling his face in my neck, but I didn't give it much attention. Nonetheless, I smirked and ran my fingers through his soft brown curls until we fell asleep like that again.


We went to a local market and enjoyed walking around until Haz and Maya started making out randomly, so we just left somewhere so they would do whatever the hell they wanted to away from us, and Harry and I can get some pictures.

After a couple of hours had passed, it was almost 6 pm, we just decided to go back to set, and it wasn't very near, so we left earlier than anticipated. We got in a cab, and when we arrived at our destination, we put down our things in our trailers. Later, I remembered that Sam and Emma were still in their trailer.

We then tiptoed to the door, and as it flew fully open, we could see what was going on inside. All of our jaws were literally on the floor: they were even closer than the last time we checked in on them, and we were stunned by the fact that Sam had his face deeply hidden in Emma's neck and her hands were on the back of his head.

They were even closer than the last time we checked in on them and we were stunned by the fact that Sam had his face deeply hidden in Emma's neck and her hands were on the back of his head and her fingers in his hair.

Harry, unfortunately, couldn't control himself and keep his mouth shut. So he started whistling loudly. We also couldn't resist the temptation, and soon enough, the four of us were hollering and wolf-whistling hard.
Emma instantly woke up and looked around a bit confused at first. Sam dug his face deeper in Emma's neck, mumbling god knows what. So she looked at him, startled, and we whistled even louder.

We then went a couple of steps back, towards the trailer's door, and we expected her to stand up then come beat us up, but instead, she sighed, did her typical eye roll, and spoke :

" I am too comfortable to bother to kill any of you-" We hollered again, even louder.

".... yet! But you best believe that the second I get out of this trailer, the four of you should better run, or you will all die one after the other. Your decision to make." We went silent for a couple of seconds to give her the satisfaction of winning, and then we started whistling again.

Out of nowhere, Sam turned his head, so he was facing us, his eyes still half-closed, and he spoke :

"Well, ladies and gents, you heard her loud and clear. Now, all of you better get out of here in the next 3 seconds. Or else, I am the one who is going to be in charge of kicking each of your nosy asses."

We looked at him in utter shock and disbelief, but then we just smirked, nodded, and went out while whistling and hollering. We decided that they will have a maximum of 2 more hours before we get both lovebirds out of their bed. I am starving even though I just ate an hour ago.


Word Count: 948

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