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After the girls went to pack, the boys got a hold of me and pulled me away from the rest, made me sit on a crate, and Tom spoke :

" First, what happened yesterday? Because sleeping at 2 AM isn't normal since you had slept all day, and the fact that Emma was weirdly the whole time in the toilet isn't reasonable as well. So something happened?"

" Do you want to know?"

" Yes, now spill the beans."

" Well, yesterday I came back out from the bathroom shirtless, and she was staring..." and there goes the constant hollering until I shushed them, threatening them to stop spilling if they don't completely stop.

" Yeah, well then she wanted to show me that she wasn't watching, so she took her AirPods off, but the music got disconnected, and she was listening to Lust for Life and not the best part of the song..." and the whistling. Again.

"Then she ran into the bathroom because of the embarrassment of the circumstances. But then, when she was hurrying, she forgot her clothes outside and I just wanted to mess with her, so I told her to get them herself.

I thought she was going to complain, but I guess she was quite irritated. So she ended up enveloping herself with the small towel as much as she could and went out. The rest is none of your business." Their eyes were popping out of their sockets, and they yelled and whatever you call their idiotic response, and then Harry chimed in :

" Oh no, Sam, don't believe you are going anywhere with that! What followed next? Certainly, you didn't kiss her, or else you would already be making out." The boys snickered, and I just rolled my eyes :

" Well... I can't and won't say anything. I will leave it for you to imagine, but so you know: you should kill Maya because it is all because of her." They were irritated because I wouldn't tell them. So Harry spoke :

"Well, Sam, we are eventually going to make you spill what exactly happened, but now we will be too busy killing Maya."

The boys made their way to Emma's and I's trailer, and I just followed them, wishing they won't divulge what I just told them.


I was over the moon. How dumb could I be, though? I ruined the moment. I will never forgive myself because it would have been perfect. Emma was so flustered, but then before I could question her and ask her for the full details, the boys came in, and here I knew I was dead. And Tom declaimed :

" Maya! You are dead! I hope you comprehend what you did, right?"

" I- sorry not sorry... I'm just kidding! I know I didn't intend to, though. So I'm sorry!" They all grinned except the two concerned, who were blushing and looking at the floor, which oddly enough is more appealing to look at than each other. Dumb and Dumber.

We finished packing our things and stood by the gate with the boys waiting for our ride. When it eventually arrived, it got problematic.


The moment I was dreading had come. I allowed Maya to say farewell to the boys first. She promptly embraced the twins, then hugged Tom a bit more, and then she just stood in front of Haz, and all of us were anxious.

A minute later, they had stated that it will only be a week and a half but that they will miss each other. They also promised one another to communicate every day and just ended up holding back tears except Maya, who couldn't. So they just kissed, and she gloomily went in the car. THEN came my turn.

I hugged all of them as much as I could, acknowledging that at least I will plausibly be seeing them, and then came Sam: we just looked at each other, and all I did was hug him but for way longer than the three other divs.

He gave me a quick peck on the forehead, then I just went in the vehicle, and we drove off. I tranquilized Maya pretty fast, telling her that she and Haz will text and FaceTime every day and that she doesn't need to worry about anything.

After our plane grounded in Vancouver, I hastily hugged Maya, consoling her once more and going to the second flight I had. I luckily reached the gate on time. There, I saw my parents, hugged them, and went on the plane. My brother and I caught up on each other's lives.

I informed him about Sam, not giving any details, but he could see behind my act and just smirked every time I would mention him. And after, god knows how many hours, we finally landed in England late at night and undeviatingly went to my grandma's residence.

When we arrived, we greeted everyone and went to sleep, but I missed Sam's presence, so I didn't get much rest that night. In the morning, I made myself some coffee and checked my phone.

I saw that Sam had sent me a message. I opened it intently and saw that the boys' plane was taking off, which was an hour ago, and I smiled beamingly.

After everyone had woken up, my mum told us that we would be having dinner here with grandma and tomorrow we'll go to her friend's house for lunch.

They needed to head out and buy some items, but I favored staying inside with my grandmother.

She and I conversed for the whole day. We always used to be close, even though we don't see each other that often. But we make the best of the time we get to spend together, which is habitually on holidays or family traditions when we all need to attend.

I always admired the sunset in London, so I sat on a chair on the terrace admiring the golden rays of the disappearing sun and how the city had started to settle down for tonight. I just closed my eyes, taking it all in.

I also texted the boys throughout the day, but for sure Sam more than the three other divs, and at one point, we face-timed for an hour straight, talking about literally nothing. It was fabulous to see his face, but I missed his presence as well.


Word Count: 1072

enjoy :) 

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