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After that, I went back to my trailer, closing the door, and I saw Sam under the covers of MY bed smiling cheekily, but he had his eyes completely shut. I just sighed and went to him, trying to speak to him.

After numerous attempts, he still wouldn't retire to his bed, so I tried to drag him out of mine because I wanted to rest. When I took the covers off of him to move his hand, I noticed that he was in nothing but his underwear.

I shrieked and tossed the cover on top of him immediately, utterly embarrassed. He then smirked and snickered but saw that I was on the verge of erupting and killing him. He stood up, and I thought that he had finally left me, and my bed, in peace, and was going straight to his bed. 

Instead, he intimidatingly towered over me, half-naked and double the size of my height. I tried not to show how tense I was or lower my head. Therefore, I looked at him, and then a staring contest began: it was just us staring into each other's eyes. The tension was killing me, so I spoke:

"You are crazy," I said while smiling sleazily, and Flirty Sam entered the chat: 

"For you, yes, darling."

"Oh, that's smooth. Remarkably smooth." I said while giggling

"Not as smooth as your skin, love." I felt like dying honestly and just disappearing because his gaze was so intense. I could feel it as if it was penetrating my soul. But Flirty Emma also entered the chat:

"Who told you your skin isn't smoother?"

"No one, actually. I guess you will have to find out on your own." I blushed and just looked down as he got closer to me, my heartbeats speeding up.

He grinned and slowly leaned in, getting dangerously closer. When I thought something was about to happen, he backed away and went to his bed, turning the lights off. It took me a couple of seconds to realize I was still standing up before I went back to my bed as if nothing had happened. And after a moment, I fell asleep, but there was a particular person on my mind...

The next day, Sam woke me up. Well, unlike a normal person, because he just carried me on his shoulders. Today we had a day off, thank god. When we arrived at the table, I remembered I haven't dealt with Haz yet:

"Harrison Osterfield, listen closely. If I ever catch any of you divs doing something intrusive, you will perish. Mark my words."

"Oh my god, I'm scared." I was mad, so I just slapped him on the arm. But then Maya stepped in :

"First, wait. You can murder Haz later, now tell me what happened." I took out my phone and showed Maya the whole thing that the boys have on tape and will most likely never get rid of. She was soon enough whistling and then turned to Sam:

"Sam, I expected you to kiss her." But then I shot back:

"Maya! I think you will die along with the boys if you do the same." Then they all laughed, and we ate. I noticed I was hungrier than usual, so when I decided to do my morning routine in the trailer's bathroom, I figured it out:

I, unfortunately, was on my period. When I stared at my face in the mirror, I saw that my face was breaking out. I was mad naturally, so I felt like trashing the place. Instead, all I did was lay in my bed, eating the only thing left, which was a chocolate bar.

I just went on and cried because of my stomach ache and cramps. Wow, best thing ever. While I was quietly crying, the trailer's door flew open, and from behind it emerged Sam. I tried to turn around so he wouldn't see me, but I couldn't because of those bloody cramps. When he turned around and saw me, his face fell. He practically ran to me and sat beside my bed, holding one of my hands in both of his:

"Emma, what happened? Are you alright?" I didn't want to say anything, but he saw the pads (I'm never using tampons) on the bedside, so I think he guessed.

"Okay, let me go bring us something to eat, and when I come back, we can chat. Deal?"

"Deal," I said while smiling wholeheartedly at him. He swiftly kissed my forehead and left, and I was here crying because he cares. Pathetic. After 15 minutes he was back, and when I saw him, I started crying again.

He smiled sweetly at me and gave me the snacks. I immediately took from him and instantly ate. He chuckled at my behavior, and when I finished eating, I told him that I feel disgusting, that my cramps are killing me, and I don't even know why he is staying with me when he could be out having fun.

Before I could finish this last part, he shushed me and told me all the inspirational shit saying that I am beautiful and all that. In my head, I was like: I wish you meant it the way I want you to. He told me that physical appearance doesn't define someone, but personality does.

He said that my personality is unmatched. That made me cry even more. You're acting like a baby in front of him. Stop it. He then went to bring some warm towels for my stomach and carefully put them on for me.

Afterward, he gently wiped the tears off my face, and we decided to watch a movie. Halfway through, I was already sobbing. So he paused it and told me to stand up for a bit. I did, and two minutes later, he had combined both of our beds into one.

We both climbed onto the bed as I put my head on his shoulder. When the movie had ended, we were both already asleep, snuggled to one another, and our legs entangled. It was relaxing.


Word Count: 1013

enjoy :) 

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