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When I turned around, he was right a few inches away from me, and well, the fact that I was naked and him shirtless, didn't make it easier. He looked at me in a mysterious way I couldn't decipher.

He suddenly came closer, barely leaving any space between both of us, and I stared at the floor, blushing a lot. The space left between our kind of naked bodies got even tighter -for me, yeah. I looked up at him as he started leaning in, and I did too.

The forceful and weird feeling drawing me in towards him was irresistible. He lowered his head, and I got on my toes. The tension had become so intense I couldn't hear anything but the giant throbbing of my pounding heart in my chest.

Our noses touched, and we closed our eyes. We were trying to fight the urge to kiss one another like there was no tomorrow. I noticed that I was craving to feel his sweet lips against mine even though I was completely naked and vulnerable.

He delicately held my cheek and wanted to talk, but I just found myself putting my finger on his lips. I then reluctantly placed my hand on his chest, and I could feel his heart going as crazy as mine.

While I was approaching him, the towel was steady upfront, but it had slid off from the back, right above my waistline. The tension was killing me, and I felt like it was just a dream. Surreal. But it was the reality.

He gently placed his hand before the end of my back, but there were so many shivers I couldn't even feel them anymore. With his hand on my skin, he got me closer as the lower half of our bodies got glued together.

We were following each other's movements until our eyes finally met. All I could see was burning love and passion and desire. I knew that if we didn't kiss tonight that we were always good at brushing it off the next day as if nothing happened.

Unfortunately, we were good at that. It was annoying, but I don't know what to do about it so far.

As our lips were maybe barely brushing against one another, there was an audible knock on the trailer's door.

Ugh, fuck.

He quickly glanced at the door but then looked at me again, trying to ignore the person behind it. But then another knock was heard, once again, even louder, and I just got a hold of my towel quickly, told him to answer it, and I went to the bathroom to change.

I sat on the bathroom floor for a couple of minutes, trying to process everything that just happened. Once I had gotten out, I saw that Sam had turned off the lights and was already in bed. I laid in bed, from my side, and saw that he wasn't going to talk to me, but then he told me that Maya came to inform us that she and I were leaving tomorrow, and the boys the day after.

I shot back a quick "thank you", trying to ease the weird tension between the both of us but I oddly enough got nothing in return. I sighed and just mumbled a sorry which made him unexpectedly turn around but I wasn't facing him yet. He then got close to me.

He positioned his head beside mine and gently whispered in my ear which sends shivers down my spine once again. Ugh, why do I need to feel like that every damn time:

"Everything's fine. There is nothing you should be sorry about, okay?"

He pulled me closer softly by the waist, the feeling of the previous actions lingering in my mind. I didn't want to feel this way and even wanted to push him away, but I simply couldn't bring myself to do it. He pulled me even closer to his naked chest, and we dozed off into a peaceful slumber at around 2 am. Today we were the 23rd of December.

== === = = == =Time Skip== === = = == =

In the early hours of the sunny morning, we were awoken by the four divs barging into the room, yelling. I tried blocking out the noise by getting closer to Sam. I didn't want to deal with anyone, but then Maya knew how to wake me up.

She played one of my favorite songs that I just loved, and I usually can't refuse to dance to: 'Fast Car' by Jonas Blue ft. Dakota. I jolted upwards, unfortunately leaving the comfort and warmth of Sam's body. Afterward, I carelessly went on dancing to the beat of this song.

Soon enough, we were all crazily belting the lyrics out loud, and making fun of each other's dance moves. When the song came to an end, we all went to have breakfast, but Sam got used to carrying me every morning, so I just let him. Nevertheless, it was sweet of him.

The events of yesterday had partially faded from my mind, but I would still replay them in my brain from time to time, smiling to myself until Maya spoke :

"Emma, we are leaving for Vancouver before dawn. Your parents will be waiting for you at the airport, so all of you can fly together to London." I nodded slowly, and then she continued:

"So Emma, yesterday, where were you when I went to your trailer because I only found Sam?"

"Oh yeah, right. I was taking a shower."

"Oh, okay. I was just wondering." 

After that, we started shooting for a couple of hours, and we had a lot of fun because Tom had to make so many funny faces. I had to control myself not to burst out laughing, but I failed a couple of times, and Tom was pretty pissed. 

We ended up perfecting the scenes after God knows how many takes, then Maya and I went to pack our things. We were leaving for the airport soon, and we didn't want to be late and miss our flight in the process.


Word Count: 1035

enjoy :) 

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