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I couldn't but sheepishly join her in the fangirling dance session which resulted in us tripping, falling on our faces, and laughing way too much so we couldn't breathe anymore. 

After 20 minutes like that, I made sure of stopping Maya from having a second fangirling session and I just stared at the roof in disbelief and a cheeky smile plastered on my face.

Around 1 pm, we went out to get lunch, glad that the weather was good today. While walking, a couple of people recognized me, and some wanted photos but mainly autograph, which I took and signed happily. This is how it starts then.

My dream. I thought this will never be real and that this long life adventure would never begin but here I am with my best friend and we are living our best lives together to support one another.

We went to a store to buy some things we still needed then went to the library because I like to read and I had borrowed a couple of books I needed to give back.

I also thought I could borrow some new ones I can take with me to my trailer on set to read if I ever got bored. But honestly, I highly doubt I will get bored having Maya, Tom, and Harrison around.

After I got some books and a couple of magazines we went back to the apartment. We then proceeded to play a game.

-"So Maya what is your perfect type of guy?"

"Well... blond hair, blue eyes, gorgeous smile, and yeah? You?" she said, smirking, and I rolled my eyes

"Yeah Emma, roll them. Maybe you'll find a brain back there."

I was mad so I pushed her from the couch and barely two minutes later we were having a giant pillow fight. In the end, we were so tired we thought we would drink every damn bottle of water in this house. And we drank half of them maybe but then we just went back to our little game

"So little miss romantic... I had asked you a question. Do you want to answer or would you give me the honor of answering myself?" She said teasingly, making me face-palmed myself.

"Ugh! Do whatever you want but I'm not saying anything on that matter because I do NOT have a type !"

"Well... I guess the pleasure is mine to show that you have one. Brown hair soft curls skinny or normal body type with maybe some slight abs. And last but not least: preferably with the freckles *cough* *cough*"

"Ugh yeah, whatever."

We then burst into a fit of laughter holding onto our chests for dear life. Maya and I could honestly just stare at each other and laugh for an hour easily. At 5 pm, we heard a knock so we just decided to stop this silly game and we hoped the person behind the door would keep us company. And from behind the door appeared Liz.

"Hey Emma and Maya!"

"Hi Liz!" we said in unison.

We let her enter and we all sat at the dining table and chatted about the movie.

"So Emma and Maya today we are..." She checked her phone and saw the date.

"We are the 22nd of November and in exactly a week, on the 29th, around maybe 10 am, both of you girls will be going to the location which is across town. Each one of you will have their trailer and an additional bed.
I will check in with the producers to make sure your IDs are getting done so you get them in two days prior. Each one of you is allowed to bring a guest if you ever want but only for the day and each of your trailers will be disposed of a bathroom and a two-bed bedroom."

Then Liz continued her speech and we listened to her carefully :

"When you get there, just give your IDs to the guys guarding the set and they'll immediately let you both in. Shooting starts a day or two after all of the cast has settled down and all of you will have a two-week break for Christmas. The director will give you everything you might need and you can ask around.
And after some table reads all of you will be good to go. You might meet Tom and Harrison first. Both are pretty experienced so they will help you and guide you around for the first couple of days and they don't bite so no need to worry".

We laughed at her comment and thanked her for coming and for telling us about everything we had to know.

Four days went by swiftly, with us rushing to get most things but we still had some things left. We came back late and once we sat on the couch and out of nowhere Maya spoke :

'So we have 3 days to pack but let's see what cute outfits you have. Because I can assure you, you will meet HIM and do not try and deny it because one thing your ridiculous romantic movies oddly enough taught me, is that nothing is impossible and to never give up."

"UGH! No, I am not! I am just working with his brother and his brother's best friend, Maya."

"Yeah, my ass! You know what? Fine. I will take whatever I find is cute and put ALL of it in the suitcase and you'll thank me later."

"No! I'll just go with you and we'll soon find out if I will 'thank you' or not."



We high-fived and then we both got to my room. She opened my closet and went through it, throwing practically everything across the room. One of my shirts was even going to fly from the window so I ran and closed it before she succeeded in throwing items outside.

"Oh god, you barely have a few outfits! Everything is over-sized."

"Well this is how I roll!"

"Not anymore honey. Tomorrow, first thing in the morning, we buy some outfits, then we'll buy what we still need to stock up on!"


Word Count: 1098

enjoy :) 

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