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The moment I couldn't see him and he was out of my sight for good, I turned around, feeling like collapsing, and saw Maya behind me as she hugged me while I was breaking down. It drew the attention of some of the people around us so we hurried to a quieter place, waiting for the boarding to start. 

After 20 minutes, we got through our gate and sat on the plane and soon enough it took off. Maya tried to stop me from crying but it was no use so I cried myself to sleep, on an airplane wow.

I know that I will miss him, miss his voice, his face, his touch just everything about him made me cry once more. I am really pathetic. I'm just disappointed not shocked, to be honest. I will also miss the kisses and the small dates around Montreal : 

Montreal, a city that now has a special spot in my heart where I met him and also three other goofballs: A child a dummy, and a photographer a true package.

Then I thought about how much he means to me and I just thought I love him. Then it hit me 

I love him 

which I don't know if he does but all I know is that I will hold onto him as much as I can and go through all ups and downs together if it means being by each other's side.

After 5 long hours on the plane, we landed in Vancouver, taking our luggage from the baggage claim and each one of us went to his parents' house but not before Maya and I had a little talk :

"Emma stop crying please it's useless to cry, it's fine you will see him in a couple  of months. Plus, this is a test to see if your relationship can last with long distance and see if he is trustworthy and loyal because it won't be the first time one of you won't be beside the other..."

" But what if he forgets about me? about us?"

" I doubt that since I can tell that both of you are head over heels in love with one another and it's only a matter of time before you say the L word."

" What if he finds someone better? Some hot girl that is like 10 times hotter than me?"

" Then it's his loss because he would be a douchebag to pass the opportunity to have a relationship with someone so amazing."

" What if-"

" Can you stop with what-ifs! I am telling you, nothing's going to go wrong. You will text and FaceTime every other day if not every day you'll be either way too busy with press tours and interviews and him with his last semester before graduation. So everything's fine okay? 

Now I have to go and you might as well do so, unless you want to stand in the airport like that then be free to do so girl, but I'll see you in a week. So now just enjoy family time since Anna is here, alright?"

"Ok Maya, thanks a lot. You're really the best and I love you."

"I know right? Love you too hun." We just laughed as we hugged each other and then parted ways

I went into the car, my dad picked me up, we made small talk and I was grateful he didn't bring up Sam while on the road going back home.

 When I entered the house I quickly greeted everyone since it was late and just went to my old room, plopping myself on the bed, I put everything away, my PJs on, closing the lights and getting under the covers. And then as everyone could have figured, I cried for a while before dozing off at 4 am.

I just couldn't stop thinking about him and how much I'm going to miss him: his voice, his messy hair with my fingers in it, his cute and soft freckled face, his encouraging words, his eyes, that I could spend the whole day staring into, the dancing, the cuddles. 

Oh god...his hand on my waist, his skin. Just his touch that would drive me crazy. I need to stop overthinking it's not going to get me anywhere. Fuck it.

= = == = == == === = = =Time Skip= = == = == == === = = =

In the morning, I woke up but then saw that it was at 2 pm, lazily dragged myself downstairs, made myself a cup of coffee and I just sat my lazy ass in front of the TV, watching Netflix the whole day, binge watching Gossip Girl.

My mum tried to catch up with me and she really knows how to make me spill so I told her about Sam not being able to join us for the next couple of months or more and obviously a couple of tears rolled down my face.

But she just told me the same thing as Maya about 'long distance' and shit, which I didn't want to hear but had to either way since she told me how she had to manage to live on another continent which made me smile.

After that my sister joined us so I had to say everything once more so I could cry once more and be given a life lesson once more ugh. But it was fun since my sister's husband is Australian and it's literally from one side of the planet to the other.

She told me how she managed and that the long-distance thing actually worked for them before deciding to move in together in his home country where they are now living with my cutest nephew Alex, who was coming tomorrow with his dad.

At around 11 pm after I had watched the Starstruck movie, I decided to stop and just try to go to sleep, once more crying. So I just went and put on one of Sam's hoodies and it smelled like him so even though it made me cry, I miraculously fell asleep. 

= = == = == == === = = =Time Skip= = == = == == === = = =

At 9am I woke up to my phone ringing and since I had slept enough, I woke up and I saw that I had received a Face Time call from Sam. 

So I quickly went to my dresser, rummaging through my stuff and products, put on some concealer to hide the bags under my eyes from the lack of sleep these past two days, and answered the call...


Word Count: 1125

enjoy :) 

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