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After a couple of minutes, I decided to go downstairs and went to help Nikki make some pancakes :

"Nikki, how do you manage to live with four boys? If I can't stand those three lads, how can you?"

"Well, you end up getting used to it, but usually Sam is a bit calmer than the three others." I grinned, looking at the pan, but she caught me.

"You know... I have never seen Sam be a morning person, and getting him out of bed is generally impossible," she said while pointing at him. I beamed at her and finished doing the pancakes. We then ate them, but the boys devoured their food in a mere flash while I was gaping at them, dumbfounded.

While we were eating, Haz came in. The boy noticed me, instantly hugging me, and reported everything happening between him and Maya. He assured me they were managing and understanding that we were on the 26th, we will be coming back on the 29th, so we had three days left before we will be back in Montreal shooting again.

After I finished I went to Sam and asked him :



"Are you traveling back to Montreal?" He stared at me and smirked.

" Well, I haven't resumed college yet, but if you don't want me to, I can still cancel ..."

"Don't be should totally come with us...please?!" I embraced him, and he immediately hugged back even harder, and we stayed like such for a couple of moments until Harry and Tom appeared. Ugh, as usual.

They looked at us grinning as I sat beside Sam scowling at the two divs that just infiltrated the room, and Harry spoke :

" Well, we considered both of you unavailable, but as you are not anymore, how about we go around London for a moment?"

We rolled our eyes and bowed our heads in understanding. We took Haz and Paddy with us because we didn't want to leave these two kids behind. Yes, Haz is a child at heart, but he is trapped in a 23-year-old's body.

After taking our stuff, and Harry his camera, (and Tessa for sure), we got in the car. As we could've suspected, I had to sit on Sam's lap because there was no room for me. How rude. As I remained on Sam's lap, trying not to weigh on him a lot, I felt him tense up a bit beneath me, but then we got comfortable.

So I leaned back into his chest as Harry, Haz, and Tom were all smirking, but Paddy was fake throwing up and closing his eyes every second, which made all of us laugh our heads off, and he spoke :

"Ok, I think I have seen and endured enough of this endless PDA. Are we still far away? Because if we are, I favor walking all the way there instead of staying one more second in this car."

We chuckled at his commentary once more, and then Sam and I glanced at each other through the rearview reflector grinning, and then Harry began copying Paddy and stated :

"Guys, can you please stop eye-fucking each other this is traumatizing..." Haz and Tom scolded Harry for saying that, and Sam and I just looked in separate directions, uncomfortable, and then Paddy said :

" divs! I hope you remember that I'm 15, so I understand whatever sickening things you are chatting about, and I do believe I need to give you some Holy Water because this isn't great."

We all looked startled at him but then burst out laughing. After 20 minutes we reached our destination.

We leaped out of the car and went strolling on the abandoned road where the sun was setting, and the sky was a gorgeous tint of red and coral, and I just remained amid the trail, gazing up at the sky while Harry caught some images.

I just shut my eyes, cherishing the feeling of the brisk wind, brushing against my skin until Sam sat alongside me, caught my hand, grinned at me, and shut his eyes as well. After a couple of minutes, Tom put his phone's music on shuffle, and a couple of songs next, played Lust for Life.

My mind directly went back to that night, and so I promptly took my coat off my waistline and concealed my face, becoming as red as a tomato. I peeked out and saw Sam smirking, and the boys weirdly looking at us, so I quickly hid my face again then Harry asked us :

"Guys, did we miss something?" Then Paddy chimed in :

"And the lyrics aren't something normal, and some parts are worse than others..." And I just responded to them :

"This is it precisely... I don't like this song." But instead of encouraging me, Sam made it more detrimental and fake-coughed :

"Why are you lying, Emma?" I hoisted the jacket off my face from his side and scowled at him, but he didn't shift, and the boys were momentarily smirking, so Haz spoke up :

"Emma... what specifically happened?" I stayed soundless, masking my face entirely, once more, and imploring that Sam will shut up, but oh boy, I was mistaken :

"Well, the evening we got back from the taco dinner, and I was coming out of the bathroom without a shirt on, Emma was staring at me, remember? At the same instant, she was listening to this song and particularly, like Paddy said, "The bit that isn't particularly rational."

I widened my eyes and struck him on the head while the boys were too occupied raising the volume and laughing. So I just went on :

"Well, first of all, I wasn't staring, so you just established that for yourself, and don't accuse me. Second of all, the song bit wasn't my mistake, it was involuntary, and I had my songs on shuffle, so don't start bothering me with it now."

After what I had just recounted, they had ceased their hollering, noticing how angry I was, but smirked nonetheless. It had gotten moderately crisp and obscure outside, but Harry had the opportunity to get some excellent photographs, so we eventually got moving, and we headed home.

I then remained on Sam's lap, but I was mad at him, and every time he would speak to me, I would disregard him, and he knew he had fucked up.

When we reached the Holland household, we saw a letter on the kitchen counter, which said Nikki and Dom were out of town for the ensuing two days and will be back the day that we will be flying for Canada.

I just sighed, realizing I had to deal with all those divs. In the end, I chose to go up to my so-called 'bed' and be alone for a while.


Word Count: 1157

enjoy :) 

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A N G E L --- A Sam Holland FanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon