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I quickly ran up the stairs and went knocking on the door but she still didn't open or answer. So I started banging on the door.

After my fist was already red she finally opened the door and when I looked at her red nose and puffy eyes and I wanted to enter the room to ask her what happened, she quickly shut and locked the door in front of my face.

I didn't know why she had shut the door in front of my face like that and why was she crying but I was willing to find out so I tried to convince her to let me in :

"Emma, could you please let me in?" I got no reply.

"Angel, please..."

"I'm naked leave me alone."

"I need to talk to you so just let me enter the room and we can solve what is bothering you."

"Well Sam, I frankly care if I am naked so again leave me the fuck alone."

"Emmy, please, just..."

"You know Sam Holland, nicknames won't help you" I knew she was really mad at me:

"Emma Smith let me in."

"I don't want to."

"Emma Ashley Smith open the bloody door right the fuck now."

"I am sorry but who are you speaking to like that? Me? Really..." I just sighed loudly and said :

"Just open the door so we can talk and I can help you because I hate seeing you sad." 

"You know what Sam when you figure yourself, and what you want, out tell me."

"Emma I swear by god knows what if you don't open the goddamn door I'm going to knock it down."

"Go ahead then show me. I'm waiting..."

"It's my room you know that right?"

"Are you fucking serious? You're trying to threaten me? Okay, then I will pack my things and leave."

 And then I lost my temper and yelled at her in a way more aggressive manner than I should've. This likely triggered her because she instantly began crying trying to cover it which made me realize what I had just done.

"Wait no I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled like that. I'm so sorry please just let me in." 

Before she could answer, Tom and Haz who must've finally heard our shouting came rushing into the hallway and Tom spoke up :

"Emma, don't mind him, forget what he just told you and leave your things here. He is just out of his mind and not thinking straight because he just woke up. Just finish getting ready. And you mate, leave her alone and give her some space, will you?" and then I heard Emma answering :

"I figured. Thanks, Tom." I just glared at the boys, got ready, and sat in front of the main entrance with Paddy waiting to leave to wherever the divs were taking us. But what I knew is that the day is going to be VERY long and difficult. Then Paddy spoke out of nowhere while looking in the distance :

"You messed up, mate."

"But I don't understand why?"

"I don't know but Harry, Harrison, and Tom do. You should ask them. But you better fix everything up as soon as you can."

"I hope so because I swear when we arrive wherever they are mysteriously taking us I'm going to make them talk."

"You better do so, Sam."

After 15 minutes, everyone was outside and Emma still hasn't even glanced at me. She then spoke up :

"We have three options: I walk all the way there, order a cab, or sit in the car trunk. So?"

After trying to change her mind she convinced Tom to let her sit in the Jeep's trunk. The ride was very silent as we were all sitting for 20 minutes in an awkward atmosphere until we finally arrived. We hopped out of the car and saw that we were at the Arcade center. Sweet. 

We entered the building, bought the cards, then Paddy and Emma went their way leaving me with the three douchebags that I took to the side immediately :

"Now that both are gone, can someone explain what is happening?" They looked at each other then Harry answered sarcastically  :

"Don't you feel that something is missing that you maybe aren't dying to confess?" Before I could say anything Tom chimed in :

"Sam, mate, I think you haven't noticed what you have been doing to Emma."


"Don't you think that you are tormenting her by cuddling her and acting all lovey-dovey and she is there hanging, trying to decipher your mixed signals and making guesses about whether you have feelings for her or not? Well, she does."

I was left dumbfounded because I hadn't noticed it before and it just hit me. I then looked at the pretty disappointed boys and then Haz said :

"We decided to give you until the second we go back to Montreal to tell her or else we will interfere and tell her how YOU genuinely feel because instead of doing the right thing, you are causing her a lot of pain." I just silently nodded and Harry said once and for all :

"Mate, I'm telling you. She will not talk to you unless it's you telling her how you feel about her. I advise you to do it quickly because she thinks you are playing with her emotions."

"But I would never hurt her-" They looked at me with a 'bruh'  face on I added :

"I would never want to hurt her on purpose." Which they judged was a better explanation.

We stayed there for about an hour or so until we got really hungry. Later on, we decided to leave and go to a restaurant out of town. We all took our seats and Tom blasted the music as we drove, the silence more bearable than last time. I was looking at Emma from time to time through the rearview car mirror.

We ate some specialties that were so tasty and then we decided to head back home after chatting for a moment. During the whole time, Emma hadn't even looked at me or talked to me which made my heart ache.

As we drove on the highway towards the home, an idea popped up in my head...


Word Count: 1079

enjoy :) 

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