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Because of the time zone, it was only 5 pm in Canada and we had slept on the plane so we weren't tired. When we were back to set, we greeted everyone, catching up with them, we put our things back like they were a couple of weeks ago in our trailers, and then we just chilled in Tom's trailer.

 When we all sat. Before anything could have been said, Maya started off :

"Sam Holland, you dick I-" They were all startled by her sudden outburst but then I immediately chimed in :

" Maya everything's fine we talked everything out between us . You can calm down."

" Mmm.. good...and what exactly ended up happening?"

 She looked at Sam, her eyebrow raised at him waiting for him to give her some valuable reason before she is able to kill him. He then got a hold of my face and kissed me. 

After we let go, Maya was smiling from ear to ear :

"Well, shocker..." everyone laughed at her sarcastic comment and she went on :

" I still don't regret calling you a dick though because it took you so long to actually have the courage to confess your feelings. I'm happy for you, both, but hear me out Holland : believe me if you hurt her, just once, I don't give a single fuck whether it is on purpose or not, you will have your balls chopped off by none other than me : so be cautious." They all laughed as Sam nodded his head and then we continued talking.

Suddenly, in the middle of the conversation, Harry and Maya looked at each other, smirking and spoke up, Harry going in first :

"Ok guys, we have something to show you..." and Maya went on ;

"so if you will please follow us..." Sam and I both looked at each other not knowing what was happening and just shrugged. Maya first connected her phone to the TV and spoke up :

" So.... we actually wanted to leave these videos for your wedding but it's way too far for us to wait so we are going to do it now" 

They all snickered but I blushed while Sam rolled his eyes and I facepalmed. After that, she played a video and I knew it was the worst thing that could honestly be shown: it was the day when Sam followed me and she actually filmed me so I quickly said :

" you sneaky bitch I will get back at you... how the hell did you have the time to film this??"

" Well you were way too 'busy' so I did it without you noticing anything and miraculously it worked!" 

I continuously glared at her as the video played and I just sunk in my seat as the seconds passed and at the end, everyone was hollering and Sam was looking at me, a smirk plastered on his face as he whispered cheekily in my ear :

" Pretty dreamy right: cute and handsome and hot...hmm..." He just couldn't resist the urge and kissed me but after that Harry cleared his throat as we both looked back at the screen as Sam appeared on it and all of the group smirked wickedly at Sam who instantly widened his eyes :

"You twat! I swear to God, that the second I get a hold of you I will make sure you're dead!"

As he finished his sentence, Harry played a video where he and Paddy were playing basketball and then the camera focused on Sam who was smiling at his phone, and then it showed Harry sneaking behind his twin brother and snatching the phone away from his hands so he would expose him.

He was actually smiling because of me. I looked at him with such passion and he was as red as a tomato so I kissed him and smirked at him while he just rolled his eyes and kissed me back forcefully.

But then Harry played a video of ..... SHIT... me yelling at Sam liking my picture so I covered my face with my hands in embarrassment while Sam was softly chuckling beside me.

Then the tables turned it and it was Tom's phone that was connected to the TV. He showed us a screen recording of the day I was making silly moves. When Sam was shown on the screen, he quickly hid his face in his hands, hiding the slight pinkish blush that had crept up to his cheeks.

The rest of the 'gang' told us that these were all the embarrassing things they had but I knew they were lying but I still let it go for the moment.

I then took my phone and it was my turn to expose: I pulled out the pictures where Maya and Haz were in the bed, the first day we came here and the dare where she had to kiss him. Maya was glaring at me the whole time but mostly Haz was drawing the attention since he was blushing and the rest of us were smirking.

In the end, they kissed and I looked at them because they really deserved it, and plus: they were so freaking cute. But then Sam and I were still pretty mad that Maya and Harry had exposed us in the first place.

So then we started chasing both of these sneaky assholes around the set until we got to them and scolded them which was hilarious. After that Tom told us that his previous castmates were here which excited everyone except Sam who rolled his eyes.

We went out when Tom called us and outside were standing Jacob, Zendaya, and Jake. We all smiled beamingly at them as I presented myself and hugged them. Zendaya told me to call her Z and we instantly became like sisters. 

We all decided to go out for dinner, Sam not letting go of me, holding on to me strongly, and I just laughed at him, making him roll his eyes once more. At the table, we all chatted and the three newcomers told us that they were staying for the week at a hotel not far from here and we were all happy we got to spend more time together to get to know each other.

While eating, I chatted with Jake and he was, like, THE best, besides Jacob who was the funniest guy I've ever met, to be honest. Sam was pretty annoyed but I didn't really pay attention to his childish behavior. When we got back, we all hung out in Tom's trailer.


Word Count: 1092

enjoy :) 

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