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TW: assault and violence



We were getting ready to go to the premiere, as I decided to wear a simple pink dress with silver linings and put my hair in a high sleek ponytail. 

As soon as we were all done, we drove off to the red carpet. When we arrived the usual screaming began and Sam and I stepped out together which sent the fans into a whirlwind of excitement and confusion.

I went to do my usual interview of the night as the rest went on to socialize. This time it was with Vogue France. They asked me the usual questions about life on set, the difficulty of filming, production until the inevitable question came up:

"So obviously as the last question, we need to know something..."

"sure go on!"

"We saw you step out of your car tonight with your co-star's brother Sam Holland, and after reports of an emotional reunion between you at the airport few days prior, can you confirm if both of you are dating? People are dying to know!"

"Well as you pointed it out, yes we are in a relationship."

"Congrats! How long have you been dating for?"

"You will know soon enough..."

"Oh well, thank you a lot for sitting with us tonight!"

"my pleasure!"

"and this was Emma Smith with us tonight on the red carpet of her debut movie "Chaos Walking alongside Tom Holland, make sure to check it out in theaters!"

After I thanked the interviewer, I quickly went to find the rest but as I was walking around for a few minutes I still hadn't found anyone from the group, going further away from the commotion and I suddenly felt a hand around my wrist. 

I turned around smiling but was faced with someone I thought I was done with: my psycho of an ex Josh. My breath hitched in my throat as I started shaking. He was smirking wildly, pulling on my wrist even more making me stumble.

"Hello gorgeous, happy to see me?"

"Leave me alone Josh."

"Why, the fun hasn't even started yet!"

"I swear if you touch me, I'm going to kick you."

"Nah babe, you're all mine. There's no one to save you. Not even your boyfriend."

Before he went on he grabbed my waist and pushed me against a wall, making me hiss in pain as a piece of metal grazed my back. 

His fingernails had already made marks on my forearm and he was squeezing my side so much I could hardly breathe. 

He then punched me as I tried to free myself from his grasp, making tears stream down my cheeks as he did it repeatedly. So I just started screaming for help and as he tried to silence me, I bit his hand and screamed some more. 

Then out of nowhere, he pulled out a gun making me completely freeze. 

"Say one more word or scream and I won't hesitate to shoot that pretty head of yours."

I was a shaking mess and my mind was a blur. I didn't know what to do as I frantically looked around me for help but saw no one in view. I tried freeing myself from his grasp but every time I made a move, he would get the gun closer and closer to my head.

A N G E L --- A Sam Holland FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now