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30 minutes later Tom came to us and spoke up :

" Emma?"

"Yeah that's my name." he rolled his eyes and went on :

"Ugh... I just wanted to tell you that Jacob, Zendaya, and Jake are coming to set a couple of hours after we land. We slept so I don't think we'll be tired.. just in case you're interested."

"WAIT... THE Jacob and THE Zendaya and THE Jake ??" He laughed then said :

"Yeah!... well looks like you're happy because they're even more excited to meet you."

"I am going to die! I adore Jake!" (A/N: this didn't age well...) Sam rolled his eyes which made Tom snicker and say :

"You shouldn't say that because I think someone is indeed jealous..." Sam glared at Tom and answered him :

"Well yeah, it's Jake bloody Gyllenhaal!"

Tom and I laughed and then Tom went back to wherever he initially was and to whatever he was doing and I just turned to Sam :


"Yeah ?"

"Do you want to watch a movie or something?"

" Yeah sure." I saw him looking out of the window and he seemed a bit distant :

" Sam what's wrong? Wait... are you seriously mad because I said I love Jake?"

"NO...." I raised my eyebrow at him like bish please and he sighed :

" I mean maybe..."

"Ugh come on he's a great actor that's all it is about honestly, it's not that big of a deal it's just like Timo-"

"If you say Timothée Chalamet one more time I swear I will end up killing someone."

" Fight me then."

He looked at me while smirking and since we were able to take our seat belts off, he looked around us quickly, suddenly lifting the armrest separating both of our seats and since we were flying first class and there wasn't anyone around but Harry, Haz and Tom a couple of rows behind us, he got a hold of me and placed me on his lap, facing him.

And from there he said :

"After this, we will see who you honestly love, deal baby" I felt like melting at this word but I was quite amused by the whole situation and answered him with a slightly needy tone  :

"Sam, don't call me that or else I will not be able to cont-" He instantly grabbed the back of my neck carefully, kissing me slowly, and a couple of seconds later our lips were moving against each other in sync.

The slow passionate kiss became rough. His tongue softly grazed my lower lip and after trying to deny it, I caved in to the temptation.

He took a hold of my waist, pushing my hips towards his, making me slightly gasp at the sudden contact which was enough to make him come off stronger. I was tugging at the end of his brown locks and during all this time he was stifling groans but one escaped his lips which made me pull him closer.

Suddenly, we heard someone clear their throat, as we frantically let go of each other and looked to see Harry standing in front of our row, horrified. After taking a couple of seconds to get out of his trance, he was finally able to speak :

"Sorry to disturb your 'deep' make-out session but we will be landing in 5 minutes so both of you better arrange your hair and clothes because it's obvious if you go out like that. Plus, may I remind you, that speculations about your dating situation aren't really what any of you two need right now. Credits for half of this shitty speech I just gave you two lovebirds, to Tom Holland and Harrison Osterfield."

We rolled our eyes at him and just thanked him as he regained his seat beside Tom. Sam then looked at me passionately and as he tried to kiss me again but I stopped him :

" Sam if I kiss you again I will not be able to stop so please for the moment let's just try to look as make-out-session free as possible"

" I know I'm irresistible, darling."

"Ugh... whatever you say... it's not my fault you're British."

"Got a fixation on the brits? Noted. And well I just need you to tell me who is better now: Me or Jake, yeah baby?"

" Ugh... you."

"Good girl."

" Well, now you're suddenly Timmy's character, Kyle, in Lady Bird?"

" What- why... he says 'good girl' ?"

"Yeah we should watch the movie sometimes, there is my queen Saoirse Ronan in it too!"

"So I can look at you drooling over him? No thanks, I'll gladly pass." We just laughed and when we regained our most normal selves, the plane made its landing in Montreal.

When we went out Harry came by and said :

" Sam you're completely smitten mate but keep it in your pants, will you? Because might I remind you that even if she is your girlfriend, she is practically our best friend since we spend our entire days together. AND we met her before you even did, so control yourself."

Before Sam could answer I retorted :

"Thanks, Harry this is why I love you." Sam rolled his eyes and Harry smirked ;

" So Sam... jealous are we?"

" Ugh, no. I am way better than you are, either way."

"Yeah, sure... when you know your way around a camera, we'll talk."

Before they could argue more, I turned the airplane mode off on my phone and I instantly received a message from Maya who said that she was waiting for us outside. When Tom passed by us at that same time, I quietly whispered to the three brothers and told them that we should film Maya and Harrison when they see each other. They eagerly accepted, smirking wildly.

The moment I finished my sentence, we all went out and took Haz's suitcases from his arms so they would be free, as he looked at us weirdly because we are never that kind to him. We went by the whole airport trying not to get noticed.

Before we could be outside, we saw Maya standing in front of us, but she hadn't seen us yet. We yelled her name and Haz instantly turned to her while she turned to spot us. The moment they saw each other, the typical rom-com scene happened and it even felt like it was in slo-mo :

They ran towards each other as Haz lifted her and spun her around finalizing this cute ass moment with a kiss and happy smiles plastered on both of their faces. All of us greeted Maya and then hopped in the big black car that was waiting for us in front of the airport.


Word Count: 1104

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