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It has been a week since I came back from Montreal to Vancouver, one week since I've seen Sam. I haven't been sleeping at all so I had huge dark bags under my eyes that I would cover up with some concealer to hide. Today, I was leaving for New York City, Maya and me both pretty excited.

Even though I would've wanted Sam here, things didn't turn out the way we wanted them to be. Nonetheless, I was Face timing Sam a couple of hours a day or texting him if he was studying or between classes. 

He was doing extraordinarily well and I was proud of him and I would tell him this every single time we phone each other. I packed my things and that's when I remembered that Sam was sending a surprise to Tom for me. I then went to pick up Maya as we drove to the airport :

" So, Emma, how has it been?"

"Good...I guess."

"You guess?"

"I- I just miss him."

" Yeah well, it has only been a week."

" It's a lot!"

" Honey, might I remind you that if only a week is a lot for you then you will not be seeing him for-"

" Yeah I know two months MINIMUM. Thanks Maya, really, that's what I needed."

"Well, you need to focus on the press tour right now."

" But I need him by my side."

" no, sweetie, what you need to do is to get a grip and be able to live your normal life whether he is with you or not."

" But-"

" No Buts, don't be codependent on him. Each one of you has his life. He will not always be by your side 24/7 and you're barely 3 months in the relationship."

"Ugh whatever."

" By the way I must say your concealer is doing a pretty good job."

" Is it so obvious?"

" That you haven't slept at all for multiple days? Yeah..."

"Ugh, I should try another concealer."

" No you should sleep, you smart ass!"

"Whatever... that's not happening anytime soon, to be honest."

" Well, Emma, what will Sam think when he knows that?"

"He will be mad?"

" Do you want him to be mad though?"


"and then he worries for nothing?"

"Well no"

"and then he fails his year?"


" Ok then sleep. Easy."

" Ugh, I'll try but let's just hope the boys don't notice."

" Emma, hun, I know they are dumb, everyone knows that, but I think they know when someone has bags under their eyes from lack of sleep..."

" Hopefully not."

We arrived at the airport, checked in, did the necessary and boarded the plane. I tried to sleep but it was useless so I just chatted with Maya. At 6 pm we landed in NYC, the boys got there to take us, when I saw them I internally wished Sam was there but I knew he wouldn't be. I just shook my head and sighed.

A N G E L --- A Sam Holland FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now