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When we opened the door to check on Maya and Haz we stumbled upon a beautiful sight for sore eyes: Maya and Harrison were cuddled up together and sleeping peacefully with content faces. I couldn't help myself but snap a picture but still didn't want to send any of them until I have a full album.

Tom and I then went to the set to look at how they had carefully put on some green screens and everything was filled with natural plants and other things which I loved. We sat on a staircase and we chatted. I asked him about how life was and where he lived and turns out he only lives 20 minutes' drive from my grandma's house back in the UK.

He smiled widely and told me that I could visit them if I ever happen so I could meet his family. The idea of meeting Sam just made my day better. It might not happen, but I still gladly accepted.

We went back to the trailer to see both of them awake watching some movie, their legs slightly entangled and Harrison unknowingly stroking Maya's hair, and then I just took another picture without them noticing.

Afterward, Tom and I cleared our throats and in a second each one of them was at the extreme side of the bed. We giggled and we continued the movie with them.

We hung out practically the whole day together and obviously sending Harrison and Maya to fetch us some things just so they could stroll alone.

It then got dark and we had filming early so we just went to sleep, hoping the next day wasn't going to be too tiring. Once again, my thoughts kept me up for about an hour, before I actually got some well-deserved rest.

= = === = = = = =Time Skip= = === = = = = =

The next day, we woke up earlier than we did the previous day and got dressed. We met up, had some coffee, and then went to have our hair and makeup done. When we finished and were completely prepared, we went to the set where the director was waiting for us.

We then made our greetings to the cast and crew and had the director tell us how the first few scenes had to go. We filmed a couple of shots then took a small break then got to filming.

At the end of the day, we were exhausted but we knew that after a couple of times we will get used to it. We went back to each of our trailers took a quick shower then hung out in Tom's trailer for the rest of the day.

When it was around 6 pm, one guard came knocking on the door, telling Tom that apparently, Harry was here. Tom then went out to check and bring Harry. A minute later, both brothers stepped through the trailer's door as he presented himself to Maya and me.

I hugged him, and we all chatted for a bit: he was really fun and he told me that he will be trying to help the director with some filming and I congratulated him right away. We then went out for dinner at a local pizzeria and the food was delicious.

We had a lot of fun but then Harrison and Maya went to the bathroom so Tom and I took it as an opportunity to tell Harry everything. Tom started :

"Harry mate, Harrison, and Maya are obviously into each other so Emma and I are trying to make them spend as much time alone as possible. Then I chimed in ;

"And until now we are doing pretty good but we are asking you if you have some kind of ideas." And then I showed him the two pictures I took of #Haya the other day cuddling and the three of us started smirking and then we laughed.

The minute we saw Harrison and Maya emerging from the bathroom we stopped laughing and acted cool. We all left at 9 pm and then went back to the set tired.

We hung out a bit and watched a movie then went to sleep and I guess I was so tired that I fell asleep instantly which was pretty weird because I usually never fall asleep that fast.


We came back to the trailers but then when we made sure the girls were asleep, Harry Haz and I all went to my trailer so we can tell Harry our update on the #Semma situation. We told him everything and then we started fanboying hard while Sam must be dying of boredom with Paddy. Then Harry spoke :

" First oh my god!! Second, we must be even more sure so how about we call Sam so we can say Happy birthday to Paddy and we'll do it while we are having a break or something and we see what happens. But: THEY MUST NOT see each other."

"Okay, good idea. Well lads, let's get some sleep!" Harrison went back to his trailer and Harry and I went back to ours. When we sat on our beds, Harry spoke :

"I actually have an idea for both ships..."

"Wow okay shoot it."

"Let's ask the director's assistant to take Maya's trailer away and we will tell them that they needed it for another location so Maya and Harrison will have to share a trailer. BUT the trick is that we will do it on the day Sam arrives so we break it to them on the spot. Afterward, Sam and Emma will have no choice but to share a trailer as well! So isn't this a killer plan? »

"Turns out you really have a brain! But yeah, the idea is awesome. Tomorrow we will talk to the assistant while I will send Maya and Harrison somewhere and Emma is shooting a scene alone according to the script.

" They let you read it?! I'm impressed!"

"Shut up, you div. They only allowed it a couple of hours before you came here."

"That makes a lot more sense."

I threw a pillow at him and from there we had a little pillow fight until we were really tired: well me because of shooting and Harry was jet-lagged so we just went to sleep and directly dozed off into a deep slumber.


Word Count: 1071

enjoy :) 

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