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We met with the director who was very kind and explained everything we thought was possible to ask. We thanked him a lot and before we went back, Tom and Harrison barged in with their cool black glasses and I tried to stifle a laugh but I couldn't so Maya and I burst out laughing and I said :

"This is going to be epic." and Tom said back :

"yes indeed, darling."

"thank god for a familiar accent".

Harrison and I high fived and then Tom and I hugged but Maya switched 'ooh Maya who is losing 20 bucks here mmm' I saw Harrison smiling at her and giving her a big ass smile then Tom and I both looked at each other smirking knowing damn well what was our next mission #Haya.

We left Harrison with Maya to deal with the stuff we needed for the set so Tom and I took the opportunity to sneak out and talk and Tom started:

"Ok but like it's literally love at first sight."

"exactly mate."

"your British is showing."

"I know and I'm proud, you div." We laughed but then grew serious again.

"So Tom what are we going to do?"

" Easy: give them most alone time possible which will be easy and let them be close and most importantly: tease them."

"wow... I think you have already done things like that."

"Oh yeah... multiple times."

We burst out laughing and then went back into the room where we saw them smiling and talking. I then blurted out:

"Are we intruding?" making both of them slightly pull away from each other while Tom suppressed a laugh.

We then went to the trailers and Tom asked us to all hang out in his trailer but before that, I had to make Maya spill everything :

"Soo Maya how you doing.."  she stuttered so that means I caught her. 

She then, with so much humility, took out 20 bucks and I started YELLING as if I had seen Brad Pitt or Leonardo DiCaprio.


I quickly caught Haz after he had ended his conversation with Maya and interrogated him :

"Mate how was it back there?" I said pointing to the room he previously was with Maya and I started wiggling my eyebrows

"Ugh, what do you want?"

"You know exactly what I want you div and if you don't tell me there is something I wanted to tell you but I just won't anymore"

"Ok fine: you win. She is indeed beautiful and pretty funny. Will that appease your conscience?"

"Aw, my best mate has a crush!" So I started wolf-whistling loudly but he just shushed me.

"Now Tom: what was this 'thing' you wanted to tell me?"

"Well, Sam has a tiny little crush on Emma..." Harrison then clearly went nuts and fanboyed hard

" I ship it and it will sail...with me being the captain of the ship."

"Yeah but now we need to know if Emma at least knows who he is. But how?"

"Let's, at first, mention him then we can ask Maya, who told me she was her best friend since day one, so she must probably know something. In the end, if none of those work, which has a very low probability, we just wait for Sam to come and then make them fall in love!"

"Yeah, very good idea! but let's tell her only Harry will be coming here and let's see there her REAL reaction." We high-fived and giggled mischievously.

Maya and Emma arrived two minutes later and we sat and talked. After getting comfortable enough and deep in the conversation Harrison asked:

" Oh, Tom forgot to ask! How are your brothers? "

"They are good!"

Harrison and I looked at Emma who had tensed up but controlled herself not to show a lot of emotions. But partially failed. But I continued the act :

"Yeah, Paddy is great! He is studying for his exams. Oh, and Harry is showing up in a couple of days."

Here, Maya viciously directed her eyes to look at Emma. By now Emma was staring at her feet, pretending to be preoccupied with her nails. Then I motioned to Harrison to look at her cautiously.

" Yeah and well Sam is staying at home with Paddy."

We then told them it had gotten pretty late and that we should go to sleep we hugged and then each of us went to his trailer. 10 minutes later Harrison came back to my trailer trying not to make any sounds :

"Ok, Tom: when you said his name, she was slightly startled but when she heard he is "staying " with Paddy she became pretty motionless so I don't know..."

"Okay... there is surely something going on. We will try to find out more tomorrow. "

"Yeah, we could call or FaceTime your brother on purpose or ambush Maya and make her tell us. Plan C would be for us to wait for Harry to land in Montreal and give us some of his plans."

"Sounds awesome. Well, 'night mate!"

" 'Night you div".


I was shocked, to say the least, like why did they bring him up? I caught Maya before she entered and she tried not to fangirl but then I scolded her for looking at me because I don't want Tom nor Harrison to know or suspect anything.

She just said she was sorry so we hugged and each of us entered their trailer and we slept on the luckily comfortable beds. I stayed up a bit until sleep eventually came to me.

= = === = = = = =Time Skip= = === = = = = =

We woke up the next morning around the same time and we went out to get some coffee. Tom planned to let them stay together so instead of us going, we asked them to go buy themselves some coffee and that they could bring us back each one a cup.

We sent them away and 15 minutes later they came back beaming and giggling so Tom and I high-fived and then joined them. We sipped our coffees peacefully while chatting when the director came in and told us that we will start shooting the first scenes tomorrow and that today was the table read.

At around 11 am while we were watching a movie in Maya's trailer an assistant came in and asked us to follow him. We went with him and sat around a table and the director was with us. We read the script's first two pages and then went on with some comments and advice for each of the roles.

"Umm... Harrison and Maya, if both of you want, you can go back to the trailer, and we'll catch up in about 5 minutes. Sounds good?"

The director was here so they just left and as they closed the door, Tom snickered and we laughed silently. The director told us that we were done but it had been about 45 minutes so we rapidly ran to the trailer to see what the two lovebirds were doing.


Word Count: 1201

enjoy :) 

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