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After the boys called everyone they thought should be involved in the situation, we went out for some ice cream. We walked to the nearest shop and I bought a gigantic bowl of vanilla ice cream. 

We then bought some cherries and chocolate and caramel syrups and when we went back home. I made everyone a sundae with their ice cream flavor but I just ate mine in a cone.

After we finished eating our ice creams, we went to our respective rooms to pack our things because we will be leaving for the airport tomorrow morning after breakfast. For the rest of the night, Sam and I would steal kisses when no one would be looking and I would melt every time, not getting enough of the feeling. 

When the clock struck midnight, everyone was fast asleep on the couch except me so I turned off the movie and slowly woke them up to make them go to their rooms. I then sent Haz home, telling him that we will be leaving early and that he should come by around breakfast. 

Harry said he was comfortable on the couch so Sam and I decided to take the twins' room for the night while Paddy and Tom went sleepily to each of their rooms. We pushed the beds together and snuggled next to each other and before I could fall asleep Sam whispered :

" Love..."

"Mmm.. yeah Sammy."

"Since now we actually can do this without really giving a damn..."

I looked up at him and he slowly leaned in, looking at my lips then back at my eyes which drove me crazy. Then he teasingly put his lips on mine, barely touching them making me lift myself so I could kiss him. It was a slow kiss and we weren't lacking air. After that, he just rested his forehead against mine and he said :

" You know what makes me happy?" I chuckled and said :

"What is it ?"

" Is that you're actually mine, Angel..."

" Believe me, I am even happier that you're mine"

"Is that so ?"

 He then kissed me again, more roughly and as I placed myself on top of him but before we could do anything else, the bedroom door flew open and I got so scared I clenched to Sam's side for dear life as if it was a robber when it is most probably one of the divs. 

And like I had called it a couple of seconds ago, Tom entered the room as I relaxed. He just looked at us and when he was turning around he said :

" Sam, mate, you better keep it in your pants we don't want any small Sams or Emmas running around...yet."

I just gave him my middle finger and as he was making his way out he added :

" I think this finger is for your boyfriend, not me." I just rolled my eyes :

" Die already!" 

" Consider it done!" He closed the door swiftly behind him and when I heard him leave I turned to Sam looking at him :

" Well, I think we should sleep. So good night Sammy." I kissed him slowly as he placed his hand on my waist :

" Good night to you too, angel." I smiled beamingly at him and just like that we fell asleep.

= = == = == == = =Time Skip= = == = == == = =

In the morning, I woke up and found the bed empty so I figured that Sam must be already downstairs. I put on one of Sam's hoodies, brushed my teeth, and headed to the living room. I greeted everyone and gave Sam a quick pick on the lips but he kissed me back passionately.

 After that everyone wanted something to eat so I went out and bought some croissants and pastries and then came back. When I entered I found Nikki and Dom back from their stay away and that Haz had arrived while I was out. When they saw me they looked at Sam and just smirked as I opened the box full of goodies. Before we ate them, Nikki pulled me aside :

"So Emma, he finally did it, didn't he?" I slightly chuckled :

" Yeah..."

"Just know that Dom and I are truly happy for both of you."

"Thank you Nikki it means a lot." She then proceeded to hug me and I squeezed back and saw Sam looking at us with an 'aww' look on his face as he looked at us. After that, we sat around the dining table, took the croissants, and ate them. 

Our flight was at 2 pm and it was 11 am so we decided to get going. We took our luggage, placed it in front of the entrance as we hugged Nikki, Dom, and Paddy. After that, I thanked the Hollands for having me for a couple of weeks.

When we arrived at the airport everything came back to how it was before Christmas: Fans and paparazzi following our every move. I couldn't but at least sign a couple of autographs while Tom was asked for god knows how many pictures that he kindly accepted.

During this time Harry, Sam and Haz went to fetch some snacks that they eagerly ate while waiting for us. Then the security guards politely discarded the other fans so we could board the plane.

I joined Sam as we sat together but when the plane started taking off, I clutched his hand and closed my eyes and he reassured me that everything was going to be alright and then we dozed off. When we were one hour away from landing, I woke up so Sam and I just sat there, chatting.


Word Count: 1061

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