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"make me, darling." 

Internally I was like I wish so I just looked up at him and I swiftly kissed his cheek. But before I could go back to my initial position, he got a hold of me lifting me up so I was laying on top of him, and placed both of his hands on each side of my face and bringing it closer to his. I started running my hands softly through his hair. Suddenly, the lights were turned on and there, in the middle of the hallway, was standing Paddy traumatized, his eyes widened and trying not to die as he stuttered :

"Umm... I-I just needed a cup of water but I guess y'all are having one hell of a night so I will just leave....peace out.." 

He then went on but whispering to himself :

"Harry and Tom will end me..." 

And as he said that the two divs appeared, glaring at Paddy so they must have heard everything. They immediately pushed Paddy upstairs and left us alone. The tension was very prominent so we just went to sleep or at least try to.

Why do we always get interrupted? It's getting frustrating to be honest, Every time we try to get somewhere we end up coming back to square 1 

In the morning, I woke up before Sam and successfully freed myself from his grasp and went to make some coffee. After that, the boys woke up one after the other and Haz came so I made them something to eat but Sam still hadn't woken up.

I went to the couch and tried waking him up slowly then started shaking him but still nothing. I still didn't know what he wanted to tell me yesterday but I was planning on asking him because honestly I was done with this whole exhausting and tiring situation :

The guy would always send me mixed signals and I didn't know if he liked me or if he did not and it made me kind of mad and annoyed since it's messing with my emotions because I am a naturally sensitive person who needs reassurance constantly and what he was doing wasn't really making any of it easier.

Because I just don't want to be cuddling him and all that shit when he actually might not feel anything for me. I felt tears threatening to fall but I kept them at bay and just gave up trying to wake him up. I will just leave him to do it alone.

The others looked at me weirdly so I guess I wasn't hiding my emotions very well so I just put on a fake smile that Paddy weirdly didn't buy :

"Emma why such a sudden mood change?"

"What mood change? I'm fine, no worries!"

"No that's a fake smile you have on your face right now, and no need to deny it." Harry then chimed in : 

"So just tell us what's bothering you. Maybe...we can help?"

"I told all of you that I am fine. It's nothing, trust me!" I silently huffed and went to continue preparing the food and just drank the rest of my coffee. After that the boys told me to get ready because we were leaving the house for the day and that they would take care of Sam on their own.

I went to my room and let the tears I was holding back fall across my face silently. I then got a call from Maya. I answered her :

"Hey, Maya..."

"HI, Emma- wait.. Why are you crying? What happened ?"

"Is it that obvious?"

" Yeah... tell me whats bothering you."

"I just can't take it anymore."

"What did the dickhead do? Do I need to cut his balls off?"

"Calm down... he just keeps sending me mixed signals and cuddles me and shit but I don't even know if he likes me back and I just can't take it anymore."

"Maybe try and talk to him, you know? I think communication will solve it and you should let him know how you feel about his behavior. If you want, do it when you get back to Montreal since it will be more peaceful at least."

"Yeah I don't know... maybe he isn't who I thought he was..."

Maya then quickly shot back :

"Emma Ashley Smith stop with the negative thoughts already and be positive for once. He likes you. There's no doubt in that. But maybe he is just shy or has some hidden fear of commitment so give him some time before you make any guesses or assumptions. And most importantly stop overthinking!"

"Ugh okay I'll try..."

"Okay I need to get going my mom is calling me but please just stop crying he doesn't deserve you anyways, will you?"

"Okay whatever you say, I need to get going as well or else your boyfriend and the other divs will kill me. Bye Maya!"

"Hahahaha if he does he is dead as well. Bye Emma!" and I closed my phone as I ended the call and started getting ready for the day ahead of us.


Tom and I went upstairs to get our pillows so we could beat the crap out of Sam as he wasn't getting his lazy arse off the couch but on our way there we heard faint crying coming from where Emma was. We put our ears against the door trying to listen to whatever she was crying about.

After she stopped speaking, with who we figured was Maya, we knew that she actually had every right to cry. Sam was driving her out of her mind. He hasn't told her anything and keeps playing with her heart to no end. We immediately headed to Tom's room :

"Mate, if Sam continues like that, he is gonna hurt her even more..." 

"I agree with you. We need to get him to tell her how he feels so we could all be happy."

We took a couple of pillows and on our way down we only heard some sniffles so we figured that she must have stopped crying. We went to Sam, who Paddy and Haz were trying to stir awake. We beat him up with the pillows for some time, until he completed woke up.

Afterward, as he looked around and saw Tom and me glaring at him he spoke up :

"What is it? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You should ask Emma."

"Why? Where is she?"

"She is in your room getting ready but you better stop whatever game you're playing and talk to her." 

He quizzically looked at us and then he went upstairs as we rolled our eyes and told Haz what we heard while Paddy went to get ready.


Word Count: 1170

enjoy :) 

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