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When he first appeared on the screen he went from smiling to dropping his jaw as it could hit the floor real quick



Hi, darl-

I stood in the middle sheepishly, slightly blushing, looking between the floor and the phone


I- wow I- just- HOW WHAT WHY

hahaha what

Holy fuck, Smith...

What is there something wrong? should I take it off? Hello, earth to Sam!! seems like there's a problem...

as I waved in front of the camera trying to shake him out of his trance

Babe, you're scaring me so please cooperate with me for a moment

I- you're gorgeous Emma, I don't know how to describe you right now... I'm just speechless. first HOW

I just had makeup done and I dressed up 

and why do you decide to dress like this when I'm not here?!

hahaha I don't know it just happened

now people are going to stare at you.. all the guys there Jesus

I'm sorry I just thought it would look good

I started to tear up a bit remembering how lonely I was gonna be on the red carpet tonight

hey hey what's up

nothing I just-

don't cry you're gonna ruin your makeup, darling

STOP calling me that!!

fine... then tell me what happened

it's just everyone will be with someone and I'm here alone

I- I'm sorry

you know what, never mind it's fine

he then sighed loudly and abruptly erupted

you know, what I don't understand is WHY do you have to make it so hard for me? it's not like I meant for you to feel this way, you know...

what the actual-

I-what?! what did I do? YOU asked ME to tell you what's up and I told you, the fuck? how on earth am I making it hard on you?

I don't I- you just keep making me feel guilty of leaving you and you don't seem to understand that I had no say in this whatsoever 

A N G E L --- A Sam Holland FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now