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When I came back home yesterday and it was like 10 pm, my mum spent the whole time trying to stop me from throwing something against the wall :

"Sam, what's wrong?"

"I can't see her... for another two months at least" As I was almost a sobbing mess, my mum pulled me into a hug, comforting me

"it's going to be alright. It'll be fast and you'll find yourself in front of her in just a matter of time."

"but I-"

"yeah you will miss each other naturally...but it's a test as a long distance to see if you would last"

 "But I can't lose her, I can't risk it." 

"you won't I can promise you that everything's going to be fine and you will always text and call each other okay?"

 "okay, thanks mum."

 "you're welcome, honey. Now, try to get some sleep. It has been practically 3 hours since you came back and it's like 1 am." 

"ugh okay, I'll try." 

"Just think of how much you care for her and it'll be fine."

"but mum?" 


 "I know it has been only 3 months and a half since we started dating and that it might be early to tell...but I love her mum" 

"Aww Sam it's alright I bet she feels the same way. But when you know how you feel about someone, you can't help it, and that's okay." 

"Okay mum..." 

"You will tell her that one day and honestly if you don't end up marrying this sweet girl I will kill you because I have never seen such a caring soul before. Also: I have never seen you so happy Sam."

 "Mum... " 

"I know she really means a lot to you. "

 "More than you know."

 "Then work it all out, stay committed and everything will be fine."

 "Thanks, mum. I love you."

 "I love you too Sam, now sleep."

I ended up falling asleep at 4 am. Shocker. Even Harry gave up on trying to help me. But the whole situation was frankly easy and difficult at the same time: I just needed her. I honestly don't know how I will manage to go 2 months MINIMUM without seeing her, holding her, hugging her, kissing her, feeling her.

How am I supposed to get through the day without missing her cuddles, her cute little face that would smile at me? God her smile, her laugh,  her voice, her giggles, her jokes and her caring nature, her reassuring words, her comments. 

How she would cry at emotional things, how she would snuggle up next to me and would whisper things in my ears sending shivers down my spine. And how her eyes would sparkle when looking at something she loves: 

her eyes... the eyes that I fell in love with, her soft hair, that I would run my fingers through, her lips, her luscious lips on mine, her head on my chest, or mine on hers, --her body and skin against mine

I think I am genuinely whipped and....just addicted to her. This is not okay and concerning. I have never felt like that before.
UGH what did she do to me?

I should've told her how I felt and how much she matters to me.

Oh god... I think I will die by the end of this week if not in a couple of days. I just hope that I will be able to get some sleep or else I will barely be able to focus on my studies without at least a couple of cups of coffee or tea to get through the day.

I got up and then found in my suitcase one of my sweaters that she was wearing and it smelled like her as I put it beside me. I decided to at least try and focus on my degree so I can open my own business and be free and financially stable on my own. 

I then decided that when I woke up I'll just FaceTime her so I could at least hear and see her,  hopefully without crying. I woke up at 3 pm. Again SHOCKER.

I went downstairs where my mum and dad were and the boys had gone out to buy some things for when they leave. At least they get to see her. That's unfair but whatever. My parents tried to make some conversation but I wasn't cooperating then my dad spoke up :

"Sam didn't you tell me that you wanted to open your own business after graduation?"

"Yeah I did."

"Well, then you need to graduate first right?"

"I will."

"You don't seem too eager about it."

"I am on schedule... so everything's fine."

"Sam, why do you want to open your OWN company?"

" I just want to be independent on my own and be financially stable"

"...So you can afford to pay for your rent, and do whatever you want ."

"UGH yeah basically."

" Well then if it helps you, just think about how much you could have if you were financially stable and if you had a business of your own... because whether you end up with Emma or someone else, think about her and it will be enough to boost you up." Then my mum added :

" So you should use how much you miss her as a good thing, not a bad one."

" Okay thanks, mum. Thanks, dad."

Like that, I decided that as of tomorrow, I will do as my parents told me to. I beamingly went to FaceTime my girl...


Today's Sabrina's 21st birthday !!!! I love my her smm❤ 11/5/2020

Word Count:925

enjoy :) 

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