Chapter [14]

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Harry and Maya had the 'I want to scream so hard but aww'  face, Tom had the 'I'm so proud of you' face, and Harrison had the ' I am shocked but I knew it would happen'  face.

Maya then spoke :

"Emma, you scared me! What happened?"

"Nothing. Everything is fine." She then looked at me and smiled. Harry, Maya, Harrison and Tom all stood tall and proud with smirks on their faces and Haz saying ;

"I ship it, and I told you it would sail". They all laughed at Emma and I's embarrassment. We then went back to Tom's trailer as Maya hugged Emma. Afterward, the three divs started harassing me and all I did was walk, trying not to kill one of them but it was all worth it. But before we entered Harry and Tom's trailer, they both stood in front of us and Tom began :

"Well as you can clearly see everything went well and for the best." Everyone smirked and Haz snickered but Harry continued:

"Well Maya's trailer was taken away so we are left with three trailers instead of four. We then all looked at them but then it hit me there was no way though... "

"Yeah... so as Maya will be sleeping with Haz... I mean in the same trailer, not anything else." Both Haz and Maya blushed but facepalmed so they could hide it and the rest of us snickered. Tom and Harry proceeded to conclude their speech :

"We have Sam here who will be staying well...umm... with Emma, Again: I mean in the same trailer not bed." Both of Emma's and I's eyes went wide open, and then she spoke :

" WHAT no come on there must be some other way we could talk to the director or something I don't know..."

" You know it's fine, I'll just go some-"

"You know what, it's actually completely fine no worries I just thought.. you'd be bothered." I told her not to worry and I thanked her.

It had gotten pretty late so we all retired to our respective trailers: Haz and Maya, the two little shits I have as brothers, and then Emma and I. She offered to help me put my things away, and we then went to sleep. I don't think any of us could sleep so we just talked about everything and we found out we had a lot in common.

We chatted about sports, music, movies, our ambitions, and life goals and we had a lot of fun until both of us yawned at the same time, laughing at the occurrence. We then wished each other a good night and slept.


Okay... but honestly... things escalated so quickly in just a couple of hours. I was so scared to confront him that I had a panic attack and I went to hide and cry (what a mood). First, he shows up, then comforts me, is the first person to actually calm me down that quickly and now he is sleeping in my trailer. Like what the hell. Things went from 0 to 100 real fast.

I, unfortunately, woke up around 3 am because it had gotten considerably chilly and my jacket was god knows where. I just wanted to get one from the closet across the room but I woke up Sam in the process. He drowsily asked me if I was fine and I told him that I just wanted a jacket. He then grasped his hoodie that was hung on the chair next to him and tossed it at me :

"Hoodie express! Thank you for your purchase. Very good choice and we hope to see you another time."

"For sure and thanks for the quality and the smell: it is amazing." I think he smirked but I couldn't see as there were basically no lights. I thanked him and then went to sleep feeling safe and happy.

In the morning, I was awoken by Sam shaking me softly from behind :

"Emma, wake up. You start shooting soon and we're all waiting for you before we head for breakfast." I groaned and turned so I was facing him before immediately placing my head back on the pillow in irritation.

"Come on. Or else I will have to use another method..."

Before I could open my eyes, I saw myself on Sam's shoulder in my sweats and his hoodie being carried over to Maya and the rest of the boys.

" Sam!! Stop. Let me down!!" I said while laughing.

When they saw us, they all started whistling while both Sam and I rolled our eyes and chuckled at their childishness. He seated me on a chair next to his while we were having breakfast. Sometime laterHarry saw what I was wearing and he gasped:

"Am I dreaming or is that Sam's favorite hoodie" When he said favorite I blushed and looked at my lap and Sam answered him :

" Well yes, it is. She bought it yesterday from Hoodie Express." I laughed out loud 

" Yeah and I told him how amazing it was." And then they started hollering and then I saw Tom face timing someone;

"Hey, Paddy! I just needed to let you, mum, and dad know that Emma officially has Sam whipped and vice versa."

Then all the comments from the phone call from Paddy to Sam's parents made the both of us slightly blush and roll our eyes at the same time.

After that, I went to hair and makeup and sat with Sam before suddenly looking at our phones blow up.

We opened them and saw that it was coming from a post that Tom had posted earlier today and had tagged us and credited Harry the photographer. It was a picture of me on Sam's shoulder where we were looking at each other and laughing. I told Harry that it was unnecessary but that he is a legend in photography.

He thanked me then went on with whatever he was doing. We then checked the comment section where most comments were " Oh my god they should totally date" and most were just #Semma and then Sam talked to Tom :

"Mate. now all your fans are going crazy over your post and ridiculous ship name."

"Well, they want an update on their fave ship, so I gave it to them." I saw that I had a couple of DMS but there is one that caught my attention. It was some random girl who just spreads negativity and was sending some mean sentences like:

"you don't deserve him" or "don't think that if you hang out with them, it means you are cool or safe." 

The last part made me shudder. Sam saw me looking at these messages so he just snatched the phone from my hands, read the messages, sent a cold reply, and then reported and blocked  I then told him :

"Sam, it's no big deal. She is just being dumb anyway!"

"Well, you shouldn't be receiving these messages."

" Well she was kind of right but-" I tried joking but immediately got interrupted:

"No, she wasn't, Emma. Don't let anyone tell or convince you that, okay?" I then shocked myself when I pulled him into a giant bone-crushing bear hug which he didn't seem to mind:

" Thanks, Sam you are the best out of these divs." I said while pointing at the rest of the group while Sam chuckled. He then held onto me for a bit more until I was called on set. I waved at him and got going.


Word Count: 1292

enjoy :) 

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