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I heard a gunshot. Everyone froze and people started running in different directions. I then heard my name being called as Maya was sobbing and Harrison comforting her. I immediately wondered where was Emma and if she was safe. I couldn't understand what was happening until a doctor came out from behind the corner to which I gave a quick look and saw an ambulance.

"Were you with Miss Smith tonight?"

"Yes sir, is everything alright?"

"I'm pained to inform you that she has passed away, due to a bullet that was shot in her head."

I stopped breathing. Everything went into slow motion. Tom and Harry's shocked faces trying to get the doctor to talk, Maya collapsing on the floor and Haz dropping to her side.

At this moment I woke up, tears threatening to fall as I was having trouble properly breathing. I looked outside and saw the sun starting to rise. The dim light coming through the thin curtains helped me find my phone and it was 6:30 am. Brilliant slept 3 hours and a half.

I carefully opened one of the curtains and slowly slid the glass door that led to the balcony outside. I swiftly slid it back as it originally was and sat on one of the chairs and checked my messages. After this, I reassured everyone that I was alright and told them about Emma.

After this, I saw that I was tagged on a lot of posts where people had found what had happened. There were a lot of negative comments towards Emma so I went back in to take her phone and logged out of her Instagram account for the time being.

An hour later, I went back inside and the sun was already shining in the sky and it perfectly hit her face. I smiled to myself, staring at her resting state until I heard a barely audible knock on the door.

I opened it and there were standing Maya Haz and Harry and Tom coming right behind them. They wanted to come in so I immediately shooed them on the balcony. I then sat at the small wooden desk inside, finishing off a couple of assignments I had to turn in once the semester resumed.

At 8 am, Emma started stirring a bit until she opened her eyes but blinded by the sunlight she immediately turned to the side so I went to close the curtain. I turned on the lights in the room and crouched down so my face was at the same level as hers. I made sure I was far enough not to scare her:

"Good morning, sunshine." When she saw me she didn't flinch away which made me let out a breath I didn't notice I was holding in.

"Are you feeling better?" She nodded her head and weakly smiled as I smiled back wholeheartedly at her.

She then slowly got up but as she tried to walk into the bathroom she stumbled and in a split second I had one hand on her arm and the one around her waist. She instantly winced as she looked up at me:

"I'm sorry you were just going to fall..." As I slowly let go of her, she gave me an apologetic smile before making her way into the bathroom. She then started closing the door but left it half-open. A couple of seconds later the door opened again and I heard her sweet voice :



"Can you help me get the hair tie out of my hair?? it's...stuck."

"Of course, darling."

I entered the bathroom closing the door behind me as I stood behind her, both of us in front of the mirror :

"Can I?"

"Yeah..." I slowly took the stuck hair tie in between my hands and detangled the big hair strands first as she watched me do it. After I had detangled it completely, I slowly made circular motions so it would fall perfectly on her shoulders.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2022 ⏰

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