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And then I answered her while stuttering :

" Are you insinuating that... wait... no way... but we had only this deal... so now you are trying to make me believe that Sam Holland is right outside??"

She rapidly nodded because she was just speechless and then she and I peeked again through the curtain, and what I saw left me with a panic attack :

Sam Holland was by Tom's trailer and holding a... Suitcase?! No way someone must have hit me hard on the head to hallucinate things like that.

Then out of nowhere, Maya started yelling and running and jumping and made me jump with her while I was dying. Then 5 minutes later we heard a knock on the door and naturally, Maya was super excited while I was paralyzed. Fortunately, Tom was the one who spoke :

"Ladies we heard some yelling. Is everything okay? What happened?" I couldn't move or talk or breathe at all so Maya knew she had to improvise. At least it will teach her not to scream like that next time :

" Yeah, everything is fine! There was just... umm... a spider! In the bathroom! But we killed it, don't worry."

"And Emma are you alright?" a couple of seconds later he said :

" Umm... Emma? Are you dead?"

Maya looked at me smirking and I glared at her and she answered him :

" Yes, she is indeed dead."

Then I slapped her. hard.

"OW no need to slap me. Yeah Tom she is barely alive."

"Well I have a surprise, and this one is 'cute'. We will be in my trailer so both of you can come. Don't be late!" He said in a mischievous tone before all the boys left.

After we were sure they had disappeared, I sat on my bed trying to regain some common sense. I then slapped myself to make sure everything was real. It was. I took out 20 damn bucks and gave them to Maya. She then told me to go wear something we had brought REAL quick.

So I did that and wore an outfit she labeled as 'extremely cute'. I then rolled my eyes and made sure I was good to go but then the moment we locked the door we saw that Maya's trailer was... gone?!

"Emma... wait... how is it possible that my trailer is gone??" Afterward, we saw an assistant wandering nearby so we asked her what happened and she told us that they had to move this trailer to another location but then she dropped the bomb:

Maya's things were moved to Haz's trailer because both of them are assistants so it is logical that they share one! I started smirking I wanted to go high-five Tom but then the fact Sam was literally in the same trailer as him, hit me.

Maya was left flabbergasted but fortunately couldn't do anything about it. So she sighed in defeat.


A spider?! What a lame excuse! Never mind. We waited for them to come which started to take a while until we heard Maya yell "Wait... how is it possible that my trailer is gone??"

Here Harry and I snickered but realized that Harrison knew nothing about that. In a maximum of two-three words, we explained that Maya will be his roommate from now on.

He was startled and wanted to punch us but then we looked at him with an amused look on our faces, knowing bloody well he wanted it, so he just grinned. Then came Sam's turn who Emma was driving crazy.

We told him about the #Haya situation without the ship name or Haz would kill us right now. He smirked for a bit then became anxious again.

Ten minutes had passed before the door to my trailer flew open, and in stepped Maya and started shouting and cursing even though she had no proof against us. In the end, she just shut up.

Then suddenly she spoke:

"Umm... guys not to stress any of you..." all of us boys looked at Sam at the coincidence and he rolled his eyes clearly very frustrated and then Maya went on :

"But... Emma was just here and now she... well... is nowhere to be found."

We looked at each other feeling guilty:

"What... that's impossible... how come?"

Before she could answer me, Sam stood up, and weirdly ended up having a tongue :

"Where was she the last time you saw her?" He asked her sternly. 

She was shocked that he was the one to speak but she just showed us the green-filled set. We all went outside and started searching not calling her name yet so she doesn't go further away from us. As Harry and I distanced ourselves from the rest, he whispered to me :

"Mate, we messed up."

"Yeah, big time. Let's hope we find her quickly though."


Where could she be? I was worried. But as I passed by some bushes I heard... sniffles? I then approached a bush and saw Emma :

She was on her knees, her head in her hands and she was crying. I sat silently beside her and before she could see me I pulled her into a hug and she cried more. As much as I didn't want to frighten her, I tried not to speak, but I just couldn't :

"Hey, breathe, everything is going to be alright..."

As I saw it coming, she pulled back and widened her eyes but I just awkwardly smiled at her. She tightened her grasp around my arm to which she held on for dear life. A moment later, she had stopped crying, so she just closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Then to clear the tension I spoke :

" Well it isn't a very formal way to meet someone but why not!" She chuckled but was still holding on to my arm. She then looked up at my face with her glassy eyes and red nose :

" Well hello my name is Emma Smith, nice to meet you, and well, thanks for helping me." She said while smiling and blushing. I gave her another smile and answered :

" Honored to meet you miss Smith. It was my pleasure to help you out. Anytime."

She laughed and nodded and mouthed thanks and I mouthed you're welcome back. Suddenly when we turned around we saw that Harry, Tom, Maya, and Harrison had found us and their facial expressions were priceless...


Word Count: 1135

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