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SAM'S P.O.V  - 10:30 pm

All I have to say is that I was terrified. I have been thinking about the scene all day. But gosh how cute she was with her little dance and the way she smiled at the camera and waved at me. But then she found it was me and was ...shocked?

Maybe she doesn't want to talk. At least, she waved and I don't know if I was hallucinating but her cheeks were pink. She is frankly gorgeous though.

My parents found out and told me that Harry texted them so I just facepalmed. They were all smirking and then Paddy just kept harassing me with questions about her. Because it was about her, I cheerfully answered all of my brother's questions while replaying the scene over and over in my head.

"so you think she's cute?"

" Yes..."

"Is she that beautiful though?",

"Yes Paddy."

"Hm...what does she look like then?"

" She has blue eyes, blonde wavy hair put back in a slick ponytail, she, I guess, looked about 5'0 and has a cute little nose."

"what was she doing for you to be so whipped?"

"Dancing and making cute faces, you div."

"What did she do when she found out it was you?" He asked while on the verge of laughing.

"she blushed but then she had to leave and she looked like she was...I don't know... stunned, I guess?"

"Ok bro, you are definitely in love and I am 99,999% sure she knows who you are and has a crush on you as well and might have stalked you. Just a guess you know..." We laughed and chatted for an hour.

I then went to my room and finished packing my things trying to find some good shirts and I was so frustrated I literally ended up emptying all my drawers. As I was on the verge of losing my mind, my mum walked in :

" Sam, darling, are you okay?" I just sighed:

"Ugh yeah, mum I just umm want some good uhm- clothes?" She then smirked and I rolled my eyes

" Sam if you tell me why and I will help," she told me mischievously

"UGH okay I want some good outfits because Emma will be there and I want to look at least presentable." I said shyly but also as if I was done with my family's attitude.

"AWW how cute!!"



She helped me choose some things and told me that there are some of Harry's which I took, not really giving a care in the world if he wants me to or not and I'm just borrowing them anyways. I also took some perfume and, of course, a bunch of my favorite hoodies.

In the end, I put my luggage in front of my room's door because I was traveling early tomorrow.

I texted Tom and Harry reminding them that I was traveling tomorrow so they told me to tell them when I land in Canada.

I then went to sleep and on my mind the only reason making me look forward to that trip to Montreal.

EMMA'S P.O.V - 2:00 PM

After relentlessly filming for a while, we had a break so I just had to know why did boys do what they did. So I immediately went to Tom :

": Tom why did you film me while face-timing your brother?"

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