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The lads were now even more starved, so they attempted to make me get up to make them my marvelous eggs and bacon, but Sam had had enough, and he just snapped :

"That's enough. Harry, when I leave this couch, and if any of you bother her one more time, I will personally hang you" Before the boys could begin howling, I intervened :

" Sam, I think we should get up. These divs are starving, and it has become rather late."

" No, they can wait a little longer. These idiots won't die."

" What? Would you voluntarily famish them?"

" If I'm comfortable, then yes, they can die."

The boys' hollers were now very loud. We got up and had breakfast, which of course, I had to secure because if I let the guys do it, we would all be in the hospital from food poisoning, or they would burn the whole residence down.

After we finished eating, we voted to go out to the park nearby and have fun as the weather was miraculously rather pleasant. So we headed to our 'rooms' to dress as we all raced to get to the available bathrooms first before the others. Haz observed us with an amused expression on his face.

While I was putting on my makeup, Sam entered the room, notifying me that they were all ready and waiting for us in the car. I nodded as he got nearer to where I was in front of his mirror, and he planted a soft kiss on the top of my head, gazing at me through the glass as we beamed at each other. But when I attempted to put on some foundation, Sam stole it from my hand :

"Love, you don't need to put any of this on your face." He hoisted it up so I couldn't get it, even on my toes.

" Ugh, come on, give it back to me. I don't fancy going out like that while my face is still breaking out."

"Why? you are gorgeous either way?" I slightly reddened but frowned :

"Thanks, Sam, you are not too bad yourself. But I still need to put some on." He smirked then said :

" Okay, fine. But I'm reminding you that you can't hug me or come near me if you have any of this on." I looked at him quizzically but huffed and just put the tube on the dresser and put on some mascara. He stood by the door proudly as I just went to him, striking him across the chest playfully.

We then laughed as he placed his arm around me:

"I was kidding, you know." I chuckled, shaking my head at his stupidity and we walked to the car where, once again, I had to sit on his lap. And once again Paddy couldn't save his thoughts to himself. The drive was quicker than yesterday, so we reached faster.

I ran like a child to the swing and implored Sam to push it, to which he compelled. The swing was so high at one point that I believed I was going to dart off my place, but I just squealed and held onto the swing's chains for dear life as he smirked and propelled me even higher.

Following that, we played with Tessa until it was time for lunch, and we all headed to eat some delicious burgers. The boys laughed their asses off when I said that I was reconsidering getting a second burger because of how good they truly were.

After that, we went to the mall, and we looked around the place, purchasing some smoothies along the way.


We wandered past a music store, and I noticed Emma's eyes sparkle as she glanced at me, and I just nodded. She immediately raced into the shop. She informed me that she felt like acquiring the complete store, and I just chuckled at her comment. She ended up getting a couple of albums that she adored.

After we went out, Harry saw Emma smiling beamingly, and he said :

"What happened in there? Did you kiss her or something? Because I have never seen Emma this happy" She scowled at him, and I replied:

"No, she got a few of her preferred records, you div. "

"Oh, bummer." She felt like killing him, but she stopped herself at the last second.

Afterward, we went to the department store, where Paddy proceeded to check on some games for him with Tom and Haz. Harry, Emma, and I went our way, but as we looked at clothes, I noticed Emma looking at some item with distaste written all over her face. When Harry and I saw that it was a pretty revealing bikini, we snickered, and Harry expressed to Emma :

"Emma, you know, I think Sam should buy you this bikini" She widened her eyes as she hit him on the shoulder, and I went on with this joke :

"You know, he is correct. The swimsuit would look excellent on you." She then slapped me on the back of my neck even harder, enlarging her eyes. Abruptly, she quickly smirked, so Harry and I looked at each other, recognizing this couldn't be great :

"Y'all know what, boys, you are right! I will buy it." and as she stepped closer to grasp it, Harry widened his eyes, and I stepped in front of her to bar her path :

"Emma Ashley Smith, you aren't buying it."

"Why not? How is that any of your business anyway? I'm allowed to wear whatever I want. don't want other guys to stare at me, don't you?" I felt the heat racing to my cheeks, and as her fingers went to grab the swimsuit, I instantly confined her hands in mine :

"Emma, one last time: you are not taking it." and then she rolled her eyes :

"Again: that is none of your damn business. Just shut up." I wanted to mess with her, so I responded:

"Make me then, Smith." Harry was smirking and trying not to whistle in front of the people surrounding us, but she smirked again and spoke up :

"You know what, Holland, I am honestly dying to, but right now we are in the middle of the department store, so when we come back home, I will. Deal?" I widened my eyes and riposted :

"Sure, Angel..." 


Word Count: 1086

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