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I thanked every saint that my mom peeked out of the balcony door and told us to come in for a moment before Harry could say anything and embarrass me.

I went in and told my mum that she is a life savior but she looked at me weirdly and asked what I had drunk or eaten. We all stood in the living room while mum was speaking :

"OK boys don't forget Tom is leaving for Montreal this afternoon and that Harry is going two days later and Sam you are actually joining them the following week and the three of you will be back before Christmas!"

My eyes sparkled like the stars on a summer evening, but I quickly managed to pull a straight face but internally I was jumping. I can actually meet her and get to know her...interesting.

I skipped the stairs confidently and went to my room. Not a minute later, Paddy, Harry, and Tom were in front of my bed with Nerf guns pointed at me. Oh shit, I was dead. Then Tom started the 'interrogation':

"So Harry said he would feel guilty if he was the one to tell me who is your newly found crush so now you need to answer all the questions truthfully and we have been living in the same house for more than two decades except Paddy: so we know if you lie. The point is, if you don't answer, you will be shot with these nerf guns."

Then Paddy chimed in:

"Tom? Really? No credits?"

Tom rolled his eyes then added:

"Copyright and all rights reserved to Mr. P. Holland"

We all laughed but then Tom continued and started with the, I'm sure, never-ending questions:

"Because we want to have fun, Paddy and I will start asking for 3 clues each so 6 in total and if we don't guess, we will just have to ask for her name. Deal? »

I gulped down and nodded my head and Tom started:

" Great! So first: hair and eye color? "

« Blonde hair and blue eyes... »

« Okay, the second question: is she someone we personally know? ALL of us? »


« Okay last question for me is she currently in the UK? »

« No. »

« Christ, who is could it be? Okay anyway, Paddy, your turn. »

Then Paddy went on with his first question:

« okay umm is she fun? » Then Tom chimed in :

« What is this question paddy » 

But then I didn't want to die so I answered :

« ugh umm I- I don't ... I have never talked to her before...»

« Wow, okay! So Paddy turns out you are smart, after all! »

« Always was, always am, and always will. »

« Mhm, we will see about that,» He said ruffling his hair messily.

« Okay, so she is a celebrity, around our age probably, this is already not bad! Okay, second question Padster! »

« Umm is she British? »

« Umm half. » Then Tom added :

« ooooh okay, so that's another crucial clue guess! Paddy is better at this than I am. »

" What do you think? That I'm dumb maybe? I'm not you, Tom. " Tom put his hand on his chest as if he was truly hurt and Paddy went on :

« Okay, last question umm what are her nationalities? What is the other half? » My eyes nearly popped out of their rightful place.

« Uhh... she umm, is half Canadian and half British,» I said quickly as I felt the heat rise to my cheeks.

Paddy and Tom then turned around and whispered inaudible things.

« We actually don't know so you will have to tell us » They took the guns, cocked them, and aimed them at my head

« Okay! y'all need to calm down I won't say her name but: one, I don't even know her so take it down a notch and two, this clue will give the answer right away. »

« Okay, whatever you say now SPIT IT OUT... »

« She is a girl you will meet in the uh- next two days...» He thought for a bit then widened his eyes like never before, smirked, and said :

« No way! You are kidding me, right? Emma? Emma Smith? » I was sure I was already as red as a tomato so they started shouting and they did the unthinkable and ran straight to mum and dad yelling :

« Sam likes Emma !» like 1000 times a second; my dad was shocked and my mum, being my mum, and the three dumb asses. So my mum spoke :

« So Sam! This is why you were for this first time happy to be going with Tom hmm?? »

« Stop it, mum. » and my Dad just HAD TO add

« You are a big boy now Sam! » sarcastically shot my dad from across the living room.

« Dad, I swear...»

They all started laughing and then Paddy came with a paper on which he wrote: « countdown until Sam.... »

But then Tom changed the phrase on the paper by writing « until Emma has Sam whipped ».

And Tom added: "Now you can change the number every day!"

They all started hollering and wolf-whistling and here I was in the middle of all this madness. A couple of hours later Tom finally left with Harrison to the airport and I was at least a bit relieved I would have less unbearable questions to answer.




7 am

It was the day we were finally going to set. I was beyond excited and we were still making sure we had everything. At around 10 am, like Liz had previously told us, a big black car had parked in front of the building. Two minutes later, a security guard was at our door, greeting us, and taking our stuff.

He put them in the trunk and motioned us to get in the car. We comfortably sat for 10 minutes then we went talking about how the experience will be amazing. 

But then, I suddenly had the most random idea :

" Maya you owe me 20 bucks if you end up liking Harrison."

" Where the hell did this come from? But anyway, I won't. And since you have done a bet, then my turn. You owe me 20 bucks if Sam shows up. Deal?"

"Deal." we shook hands and laughed for a couple of minutes.

After about 40 minutes on the road the security guard, who drove us, told us that we had arrived. We took our luggage and IDs that Liz had brought us 4 days ago, and went to the guards at a big black gate.

We gave them the papers and they instantly let us in. Some other guy walked us to the set where a lot of trailers were but I saw that Tom, Harrison, Maya, and I's trailers were all beside one another.

We entered each of our trailers helped each other set everything in place and relaxed a bit. All this process took us about 5 hours + lunch and at 4 pm one of the director's assistants came to us and told us to follow her. 


Word Count: 1187

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