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As the night went on, Timothee and I kept on talking and enjoying everything about the venue, the food, and the diverse people there.

" You can call me Timmy you know."

" If you want to, then sure!"

After a moment of silence he spoke up again:

"So I was wondering if you were up for a quick coffee tomorrow, so we can get to be friends... obviously as long as it goes along with your boundaries. I wouldn't want this to be an inconvenience to you or your relationship!"

"Of course not! Friends... I would love that."

"Then it's settled! I'll meet you at 11 and we can get going to wherever you want!"

" Okay thank you but I don't want to feel like a burden if you had any other plans for tomorrow."

"No way would you be. I'm the one who suggested the meet-up for your information, right?"

"Thanks and sure."

After the whole night eating and talking with people, Tom, Haz, Maya, Harry, and I went back to the hotel and because of the exhaustion, I didn't have time to think as I barely had the time to change and take off my makeup before I collapsed on the sheets into a deep, stress-free slumber.

In the morning, I woke up and was told that we were staying for 3 more days before we get to the other destinations where we will only be staying up to 5 days. Then we'll get two weeks only in Paris and our next flight is to Los Angeles.

At 10 am I received a call from Timmy saying Zendaya gave him my number and that we should go to the Starbucks that is a 10-minute walk from my hotel. As I was all ready, I went and caught up with the group until I received a call from Sam.

I debated on whether to answer or not but even though I was still pissed at him, I just gave up and went back to my room, closing the door behind me and sitting in front of my dresser, swiping right on the screen as his face appeared.

===== Face Time call : =====

EMMA: normal

SAM: bold

at first, we just sat there, none us of speaking up



I'm really sorry

you make it seem easy to be forgiven but that's not going to work for me

Can you just listen to me

hmm I'm not sure I want to

Just please listen to what I have to stay

Ugh, what is it?

I didn't mean to blow up like that on you

well you most certainly did 

I didn't mean it to come off so harsh... I just had a stressful day

Oh, that's it? And why didn't you tell me? Am I supposed to guess what is going out with you if you don't tell me anything and we're more than 3000 miles away from each other?!

A N G E L --- A Sam Holland FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now