Chapter 3

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Tyler had a great first-week taking care of Kal and Maddy. He worked out a schedule that allowed him to work his modeling gigs when Rachael wasn't out of the house working or had a total day off. Today was one of those days. He got a call from his agent on his cell. Sean John clothing wanted to use him for the new summer line advertisement. He explained to Maddy about his other job while she excitedly looked at his book.  The little girl wished him good luck before he left.

He was placed with a small group of models in the ad where they were coupled up. The other two guys seemed to be ogling the female models they were paired with. Tyler just remained totally professional while the female model he was with was anything but. He still managed to muddle through the seven-hour shoot. 

Tyler arrived at The Ryland household drained but ever so thankful that the one move that Kal did, sealed the job for him. He went from applying for a temp babysitter and wondering if he could afford to pay the rent, to being the nanny with free room and board for as long as he works there.

 Parking his car on the side of the street, he glanced to see that the driveway was packed. Tyler used the key that Rachael had given him before walking in to hear laughter come from the living room. He was about to head straight for his room but thought that it would be bad manners to not at least say hello and good night. Stepping up at the threshold, he gave a light knock causing the group of ladies to look up.

He was met with a couple of gasps, an "oh my", and one hot damn. Tyler gave a tight-lipped smile before saying hello to the room. Rachael signaled him to come in before introducing him. "Tyler, these are my best friends in no order. Bette, Lucy, Janice, and Candice." Rachael stated. 

"Ladies, this is the person who single-handedly helped Kal take a baby step in the right direction. My new nanny, Tyler Evan Sumner." Tyler shook each of their hands as he greeted them. Each of the ladies gave a smile and held his hand a few seconds longer. "How was your shoot today?" Rachael asked him, smiling.

"Shoot?"Candice asked. "Yes, Candy. He's a model." Rachael said, reminding them. "It went fine. Long, but fine. I just hope that Sean John clothing will use it for their summer ads." He explained before he fought a yawn. "If you ladies will excuse me. I have a full day with Maddy and Kal tomorrow. Nice to meet you all. Good night, Rachael." He said before walking out the room and to his bedroom.

Once he was gone, Rachael's friends all glanced at her. "Good night, Rachael? Since when does an employee call their boss by their first name?" Bette asked with a grin. "He modeled for Sean John today? I can't wait to see that." Candy stated and smirked. "Okay, guys that's enough," Janice spoke up.  "I mean if anyone deserves their own sexy ass, Manny, it's our girl Rach." 

"What? Please. He is not mine. And did you just make up that word? Manny?" Rachael sputtered to Janice but looking at them all. "I swear, Rachael. You really are behind, when it comes to the rest of the world." Lucy stated. "A manny is a male nanny. And Jan is right. You deserve that. Besides, if Britney Spears can get herself one so can you."  Rachael watched her friends all nod in agreement. 

"So we're all in agreement that Rachael deserves to cougar that manny? Bette said raising her coffee cup. Everyone gave their "ayes" while Rachael shook her head in disbelief. "Don't I get a say?" "No. You need to take care of you for a change. And he's the way to do it." They all said in unison before laughing together.

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