Chapter 29

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After lunch, the little ones went down for a nap while Maddy went to do homework and Kal went into this therapy room with his Occupational Therapist. Tyler was in the middle of making dinner when Rachael started to feel dizzy. She decided to go lay down hoping the feeling would stop soon.  It was two hours later when Kal went to find his mom. "Ma. Ma." He repeated and patted her shoulder until he grew tired. Kal left the room and saw his grandma, Alyssa, with his dad. He walked over to her and hesitated before touching her on her sleeve. Alyssa, amazed, glanced at Tyler, who witnessed the entire thing. "Yes, Kaleb?" She asked him.

"Ma. Ma. Sleep." He spoke carefully while looking around the room. Tyler stopped making dinner while Alyssa watched the kids and the kitchen. Tyler went into his bedroom and noticed his wife was deep asleep. "Rae. Rae. Wake up, baby. Please." He asked of her, growing concerned. Rachael mumbled before turning her body some. "I'm too tired. Don't feel good." She finally spoke slowly. Tyler was now really worried while watching fall back asleep. Panic set in as he left his mom in charge and lifted Rachael up to take her to the car. Maddy helped him by opening the front door then opening the front passenger door.

Tyler drove her to the doctor carefully but quickly. Rachael was now awake as she fought a wave of sickness. Tyler was thankful that their family doctor was still in his private practice. The nurses rushed her in and ran a series of tests asking Tyler what he knew. The doctor came in and noticed a few familiar symptoms before feeling Rachael's pulse.

"Rachael, have you been very dizzy?" He asked. "Yes, very. And sick. Just the feel of nausea."  She told him in a tired tone. "Well, I need you to let us take a blood and urine sample." He stated. "Of course." She said before she took the cup and went into the bathroom. "Doctor, what is it?" Tyler asked, worried. "Not sure yet." The doctor said. "I have a hunch. Let me run the test to be sure." Rachael washed her hands and came back with the cup. The nurse took the cup and handed it to another nurse who to took it to their in-house lab. The main nurse took her blood and headed off to test on it with the doctor talking to her. 

Tyler sat there as he watched Rachael straightened herself back up, still looking exhausted.  He couldn't help but feel worried that something was seriously wrong with the woman he loved. He kept a hand in hers as she sat down next to him while they waited for any news. Thirty minutes later, the doctor came back with the results. "Just as I thought." The doctor began, " Well, Mr. and Mrs. Sumner  I think congratulations are in order.  Rachael,  the test results came back that you're pregnant." He informed them, smiling. Rachael's eyes opened wide, waking her up as Tyler's mouth dropped. "A baby?" They said in unison, in shock at what the doctor said before he filled them in on what needed to be done next.

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