Chapter 20

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A/N:  You've all enjoyed the whirlwind, sappy, sweetness of the first nineteen chapters. Now that Tyler and Rachael are about to create their new family, the shenanigans are about to happen. Starting with this chapter. I am sorry for any anger or emotion you will be feeling in the comments/reviews. Because you will. And yes, it will get way worse before it will get better before the end of the story. What I'm talking about above is why one of the tags is "Dark Themes".  Again, sorry in advance. 😕

In Midtown, New York City

Just as planned, Kaleb had a small peaceful, relaxed birthday party with Tyler, Maddy, Rachael, Avery, Bette, and Alyssa. They all ate cake and ice cream while they helping him open up his many Sesame Street and Elmo themed gifts. Bette and Alyssa meanwhile gushed at Rachael's engagement ring.

A few hours later, Tyler placed a happy, but sleepy Kal in bed while Avery and Bette said their goodbyes to the others before heading out the door. Tyler stepped up to his mom to whisper in her ear. She gave a nod before walking up to Maddy. Alyssa took her hand and suggested they go watch TV.

Tyler and Rachael headed out to get the marriage license and the necessary paperwork before stopping at a magazine stand. Rachael bought a few magazines while Tyler glanced up to see a billboard in the middle of times square with Maddy and him, larger than life promoting The new Versace children fashions, girls' line. "Wow." Was all he could say causing Rachael to walk up behind him and look up also.

"My baby." She softly spoke and smiled as they held hands." Which one?" He joked. "Both of my babies."She told him and nudged him playfully in his side. "Let's go home." She whispered to him, letting him lead the way.

Somewhere in the United States

He sat down and stop to glance at the picture of her. She had grown so much since he last saw her. She was a big girl now and he had missed her so much. He noticed in the picture that she was sitting on a white man's lap, beaming brightly without a care in the world. He knew deep inside that he should have never let her go. And he will do anything to get her back. The man reached for his cell and dialed a number, hoping he can find away back to her soon.

 Weeks later...Suburbs, near New York, NY

Tyler and Rachael had their hands full with keeping Kaleb calm and happy while getting ready for Maddy's birthday party.  The first thing done was Alyssa took Maddy to one of those girlie shops for her birthday surprise.  The older woman let her buy anything thing she wanted for her birthday. Rachael tried to protest about that earlier that morning, but Alyssa just hushed her future daughter-in-law.   She told her this was practice for all the future holidays and birthdays for Maddy, Kal, and any hopeful future grandchildren that they'll have.

Rachael laughed at Alyssa not so subtle hint before decided to take Kal out the house to go to a nearby park so he could swing. Tyler, meanwhile got the house ready with the help of Bette, Avery, and the rest of the ladies. By the afternoon they had the front and back yard ready for a ten-year-old little girl's party. Her classmates came in and dropped off her gifts then got a light snack to tide them over until it was time to eat.

Rachael came back and took Kal into his soundproof playroom and let Lucy and Candiace keep him company while she helped with the kids. Soon it was time for Alyssa to arrive with Maddy while everyone got ready to hide. Alyssa walked up to see the front of the house done up. 

"Grandma, are we having the party outside?" Maddy as she carried her bags. "Hmm, maybe." She said, smiling while unlocking the door to let Maddy in first. "Well, when does it start ?"  The little girl wondered out loud.

"Right now," Alyssa told her before the lights came on, causing everyone to pop up and yell surprise. Maddy giggled and jumped up and down before she dropped her bags and hugged Tyler and her mom, who came out of the playroom to greet her.

Rachael and Tyler got Maddy into starting the games then eating with her classmates and friends. They also took turns with the cameras and relieving Candy and Lucy with Kaleb. Soon it was time to open presents then it will be time to blow out the candles on the cake. Maddy gave a hug to everyone who came and gave her something. She loved each gift. No matter how small it was or who it came from.

Avery was in the middle of passing out the gift bags to all the guests when Maddy stood over her cake, staring at it, thinking of her wish. "Blow out the candles, sweetie," Rachael told her. "Yeah, Maddy. make a wish." Tyler said, stepping up next to Rachael.

Maddy closed her eyes then opened them to blow out the candles before clapping and cheering filled her ears. She smiled and watched her mom cut everyone a slice and passed each of them out. Maddy sat talking to her friends while eating cake and ice cream when there was a knock at the door.

Alyssa took over so Rachael could go answer the door. She opened to see an unexpected, yet familiar face. Her smile dropped as she saw Charles Pennington stand before her with two gorgeous, Black women at his sides.

"Hello, Rachael." He simply stated. "Charles? What are you doing here?" Rachael asked, growing angry. "I saw my daughter in an ad for Versace. And wondered why I wasn't notified." He explained to her.

"Your daughter?" She questioned him. "Maybe I didn't notify you because you have no rights to my daughter and my children!" Rachael began to yell. Causing a lot of guests to be concerned. "I know that. And that is why I have brought my lawyer."Charles stated before introduced the slim, dark-skinned woman in a blue power suit. "Tina Ethos, Attorney at Law." She said as she extended her hand to Rachael. "And this is my long time girlfriend, Mary Smithe." He told her as he introduced the light brown-skinned woman with bottled dark blonde hair to her shoulders.

Rachael squinted her eyes while her brain searched itself on why the woman's name sounded so familiar. Maddy turned her head when she heard a voice she hadn't heard in forever. She left the dining room and ran to the front door where her mom stood. "Mama, are you okay?" She asked before glancing up to see the one person that could ruin her day. "Oh, no." She said while gripping her mama's free hand in terror.

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