Chapter 38

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The next day

Tyler finished up with an early photoshoot before grabbing his cell phone to dial a phone number he had written on a piece of paper. "Yes, I'm returning a call from Mr. Edward Stoldworth. Yes, I'll hold." Tyler spoke into the phone. "Yes, Mr. Stoldworth? You don't know me, but we have something in common. Your only grandchildren. Can we meet somewhere privately to talk?" Tyler said looking off, listening to the voice on the line. "Fine, I will see you then." Tyler ended the call as he headed out the building and towards his jeep. He  began to dial another number and heard the line being picked up after two rings. He smiled, hearing Maddy start to speak. "Hello?" "Hey, sweetie. It's dad." Tyler began while sitting in the driver's seat. "I was wondering if your mom, grandma, or grandpa are nearby."

"Hi, daddy! Mama and Grandma are feeding Trent and Toddy. While Grandpa is with us in the playroom as he rocks baby Ty." Maddison told him. Tyler smiled while thinking about all the happiness this little girl brought into his life. He was determined to do what it took to make sure she always did. Tyler wanted to make life easier for the rest of his family and hoped this was the way. "Well, can I talk to Grandpa baby?" He asked of her. "Sure, daddy? Pa-Pa, daddy wants to talk to you."Maddison said to her Grandfather as she walked over to him with the cordless phone. 

"Maddy?" Tyler said, catching her before she handed over the phone. "Yes, daddy?" Her sweet spoke over the line. "I just wanted to tell you how much I love you. And every day you make me proud, baby girl." He whispered to her, his voice was raw with emotion. Maddy stopped walking to stand in front of Todd while smiling some. "I love you, too, daddy. Here's Pa-Pa." She said handing over the phone before heading off to watch tv. Todd adjusted the baby in his arms while he spoke on the phone."Tyler?" He asked concerned. "What's up, son?" "Dad, don't tell mom or Rae yet, but I'm about to go meet with Edward Stoldworth," Tyler said in a hushed tone.

"What?" Todd whispered loudly glancing at the children while they continued about their business. "Yeah, I have a few questions that I know only he can answer," Tyler told him. "I should be back in a couple of hours. If Rae asks if I called, tell her I went to check out a business prospect. Which is sort of the truth." He said before he started the car. 

"Okay, Ty. But if she finds out that you -." Todd began as Tyler cut him off. "I know, dad, I know. She can be mad at me all she wants. I need to do this. None of this would be happening if it wasn't for me. My modeling job led to Maddy modeling which led to Charles, the courts, and him taking her." He reminded Todd before sighing. Dad, I gotta go. Take care. Love you." Tyler told Todd before hanging up the cell phone.

He tossed the phone over in the passenger seat before driving to his destination. He drove to a luxury parking garage before parking his jeep to sit for a minute. Tyler exhaled then inhaled a  deep breath before gathering his keys and himself, mentally preparing to meet the father of Charles Pennington aka Charles Stoldworth.

Todd leaned back as he looked down at his grandson in his arms. "I hope your Daddy knows what he's doing," Todd said to the infant who blinked a bit before closing his eyes to go to sleep.

Tyler arrived inside a high-class building before stepping up to speak to a hostess. He was then led to a table in the back near a nice view of the Hudson River and the city's skyline. "Edward Stoldworth?" Tyler spoke, glancing at a regale looking, well-polish older man. "Yes. Tyler Sumner, I presume?" Edward replied and stood up to shake his hand. Tyler shook the man's hand before they sat down. "Would you like scotch or something to drink?" Edward asked, signaling the waiter. "I'll take a soda. I'm driving." Tyler said. "Of course," Edward said in return, nodding before speaking to the waiter. "One soda for the gentleman here and another scotch, no ice." Once the waiter left, Edward focused back onto Tyler. "So, Tyler, why do you want to see me without my wife or my attorney present?" He asked the young man.

Tyler's blue eyes locked with the older man's dark brown ones before he exhaled a deep breath. "Because I read up on you." Tyler began to say. "You really care about people and the environment. I know you care about your own also. Well, I care about mine. And Maddison and Kaleb are my children. Blood or no blood, those children love me, know me, and call me their family. And I don't want to but," Tyler said as he paused to lean in closer.  His expression showed Edward how serious he was. "If I have to fight your wife I will. If I have to play dirty I will. If I have to use any means necessary, I will."

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