Chapter 30

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The couple went home quiet and in shock while the news the doctor gave them floating in their heads. Tyler pulled into the driveway, turned off the engine before getting out to help her out as they exchanged a soft look. Before they could arrive at the front door, Maddy snatched it open. "Grandma! They're back! " She said, looking like she would cry. "Mama, are you okay?" She asked with worry.

"Let them in first, Maddy," Alyssa stated as she walked up with the twins in each arm. Maddy had Micah by the hand while Tyler and Rachael walked inside. He sat her down at the dining room table before Alyssa handed Morgan to him. They both placed the twins in the high chairs as Maddy helped with Micah in his booster seat. Kaleb walked to Rachael and leaned his head on her shoulder. Tyler looked at them all before locking eyes with Rachael. "We found out that I'm going to have a baby." She told the family, fighting a smile.

Later in their bedroom, Rachael watched Tyler as he got ready for bed. He slid in next to her before they broke out in quiet laughter. "I thought my mom would fly through the ceiling," Tyler told her, feeling full happiness. "And Maddy was about to hug the baby right out of me. I can say they were definitely happy." Rachael said, still beaming. "But what are you really feeling, Ty?" Tyler turned on his side to face her then ran a hand gently up and down his wife's body before settling on her stomach. He soothed it as he let his deep voice caress her.

"I'm pleasantly content to know that a permanent part of me is growing inside of the woman I love." He gave her a kiss before continuing. "I love all the children we have or will have. Whether they are biologically yours, but mine by adoption. Both ours through adoption or biological. I am the father of six wonderful children." He replied and rubbed her stomach once more before kissing it. And I am the husband to the most wonderful woman in the world."

Rachael waited for his head to move back up so she could lean in to kiss him passionately. "I love you so much, Tyler Sumner." She softly said while caressing his face. "Goodnight, baby." "Night Love." He whispered in return then turned out the light before facing her again, wrapping his arms around her waist while they started to fall asleep.

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