Chapter 35

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"What?" Rachael said to Mary. "Please, come in." Rachael stepped aside, bringing Maddy with her before inviting the woman inside. Mary, please come sit and explain." She leads Mary and her baby to the living room to get comfortable and sit down. "Thank you. I got rid of Charles right after the trial." She said while sitting down. "Everyone who I know celebrated when I finally got some sense to let him go," Mary explained. "When it comes to Charles, my friends are my eyes and ears. They told me that word is he got beat up not too long after the trial was over and he ran home to his mama. She had him tell her what he was doing home and she was shocked to find out that she had grandchildren."

 Tyler walked into the living room and caught up on what Mary was telling Rachael. They sat together with shock looks upon their faces while Mary told the truth about Charles' life. "Word is that her son may have screwed up his rights as a father, but she still has her rights as a grandparent. And will fight to the full extent of the law." She warned the couple.

Rachael sat there as she couldn't believe that Charles'mother was still alive and wanted to stake her claim on her eldest babies. "What? Charles' mother? I didn't think she was even alive. She can't do that. Can she?" Rachael asked as she looked from Tyler to Mary.

"She will and she can. Rachael and Tyler, she has the money to do whatever she wants." Mary said before she noticed they were surprised by the news but not fazed on why they should be worried. "Wait, don't know who Charles' mother is?" Mary asked while beginning to feed her daughter. "I would always bring up his family and he wouldn't talk about it. I even thought it was important for the kids to have a grandparent since I had no one on my side." Rachael admitted. 

Mary shook her head and sighed. "Oh, boy. Then you both are in for a shock. You'll need to get prepared for this one. Charles' mother is Mother Pennington. Of Mother Pennington Products, mainly Mother Pennington wholesome family food corporation. Her family is one of the first black-blue blood families in history. Charles' family has lots of money. Old money and they most definitely know how to use it.

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