Chapter 60

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"Daddy," Maddy said as she sat in the chair to Tyler as he walked up to her. "Yes, Maddybug?" Tyler said as he sat next to her while a makeup artist fixed his face for his next scene. "I just wanted to say I like the fact you are doing a kids' movie this time around." She told him and smiled. Tyler let his eyes glance over at her. "Well, I wanted to give you all something to watch. But you're about to be a big girl soon." He told her looking back to thank the makeup artist before turning his head to see Rachael, Sunny, and Micah walk up from the bathroom.

"Well, Daddy, I'm not going to be a big girl. I'm that now." She informed him while her mother and sister and brother sit down next to her dad. " I will be officially a pre-teen daddy and I can't wait." She beamed and excitedly squirmed in her seat. "Well, daughter of mine, you have two more months to wait," Rachael said as Tyler leaned to get a quick peck from her, causing the kids to playfully groan. 

"Well, I can wait. As long as we get another sister soon." Maddy said as she caused her parents to quickly turn around to stare at her. "What?" They asked her. "Maddy, don't you think we have enough?" Her mom asked her as the director signaled it was almost time for the next scene.

"We're outnumbered, mama. They are more boys than girls. One more should even it out." She told them. Tyler and Rachael stared at one another before he turned to see his oldest daughter wait for them to say something. He then glanced at Micah and Sunny as they played together, not caring about the conversation. "Okay, Maddy. We'll see what we can do." Tyler said as Rachael gasped. 

"Ty!" She whispered as he looked at his sexy, beautiful wife and knew he wanted one more himself. "Tyler, you're just saying that to her to get her to drop the subject right?" She asked him, seeing him gave her a wink before hearing the director call all to the set. "Ty. Tyler." Rachael calling his name before she couldn't anymore as the scene was rolling.

Rachael sat back and started to laugh softly.  She knew that if her husband had his way, they'd have as many as they could. So would she.  Knowing that the last baby would be just one more then they would have their full house made her happy. Yep, just one more. I hope this is a girl. She secretly said to herself while placing a hand over her small pouch of an abdomen, thinking of the perfect time to tell them.

The  Sumner children in order by their arrival:






Tyler Jr.

Todd II

Trent II


Alyssa Rae

Anyssa Maddison

(And the soon to be last baby- girl yet to be named and born)

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