Chapter 65

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Charles had finally woke up the next day and been examed from head to toe. He was surprised when he noticed detectives standing with the doctor and nurse.  He learned he was charged with disturbing the peace, disorderly conduct, intoxicating behavior, among other charges. He pleaded with his father as it fell on death ears.  Charles finally grew quiet and laid there, handcuffed to the bed. His father sat down and took a good look at him. "I know about your son and how you threw him away. So you can fulfill your late mother's twisted wish and your twisted logic to have a daughter." Edward said with disgust. 

"Because of some stupid notion that you only have girls, since they are quote, unquote normal.  Tossing the boys  away like trash because they aren't." Edward told his son before he stood up and grabbed his jacket and headed for the door. "I am so glad that I was getting ready to change my will the day I found out. So, get ready to have nothing Charles. Because your wife is divorcing you but remaining a Stoldworth." He informed him.

"Since you wanted to be a Pennington, keep being one. I hope that keeps you company in prison because you're going for a long time. I'm tired of you and your bullshit, Charles. This is it." He said heading to the door before stopping to turn back towards Charles. "There is one thing you need to know about your children before I leave," Edward told him while narrowing his eyes at him.

"And  what's that?" Charles asked with attitude. "The son you had Jennifer throw away was actually neurotypical or as you would say normal. Edward told him while moving his hands up to let his fingers bend to show quotation marks when he mentioned the word normal. "The baby girl you are waiting on was tested in the womb. There is a possibility she will be autistic." He told Charles before watching his son's eyes widened with shock and fear. "What? No! No! No!" He began to scream from the news. "Goodbye, Charles," Edward said then walked out of the room, not looking back.

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