Chapter 62

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Edward stood in the office he had in his home as he went over everything with his lawyers. As the seven lawyers began to take notes and draft it, he paced and was steaming. He couldn't believe that his son could be that stupid. To have his own flesh and blood killed because he was scared that the child could have a disability. And for Edward to find out that the little boy was 100 percent healthy. 

The test results Jennifer had done before and after Eddie was born, proved that he was a neurological-typical child and he died for no good reason it sent Edward 's blood boiling. And he would be damned if Charles did anything to his new granddaughter. Especially since Jennifer worried about her and had the same amino test done on her. 

He knew the moment that Charles finds out his baby girl has a high chance that she will be autistic, he will have a shit fit. So, the best thing that Edward could do is not only protect all of his grandchildren that were his biologically his, but those who weren't. And to find a way to take Charles down, even if it means taking him out.

"Daddy"! A chorus of kids yelled as Tyler, Rachael, and Maddy walked in with Sunny and Micah. "What are we, dog food?" Maddy chuckled as they all ran towards her instead. "Maddy!" Her brothers and her sister yelled in joy. "Okay! Okay!" She told them and laughed as she felt to the floor with them on her. Sunny and Micah joined in on the fun of piling up on their big sister. "Are you sure you want one more?" Rachael smiled at the lovable chaos before her. "Without a doubt," Tyler said to her before grinning at their kids. 

"But, Maddy won't pressure you, Rae. When you're ready to, it will be the last one. I promise." He said content. "What if I'll be ready in seven months?" She smirked as she placed her hands on her abdomen. Tyler slowly looked at his gorgeous, glowing wife with his eyes wide open. "What?" He asked her facing her. Rachael said nothing while keeping the joy on her face.

"Rachael, are you saying you're pregnant?" Tyler said aloud, causing Maddy to stop laughing. She hushed her sisters and brothers before her grandparents walked into the room with the twin girls. "What's going on?" Todd smiled as he and his wife watched the sight before them. "Rae, are you pregnant?" Tyler asked again. "Rachael, you're pregnant?" Alyssa and Todd said in unison with a  surprised expression. "Yes, I am." She finally answered before Tyler pulled her close and picked her up to spin her around. 

"Mama, you're having another baby!" Maddy said, cheering. "We get one more sister! Yes!" Rachael laughed while Tyler set her down on her feet. He placed kisses all over her face and neck. "Wait, we don't know yet. I'm only two months. We hope it's a girl. Because this is the last one." She told Maddy and Tyler. "Of course-," Tyler began to say as Maddy cut him off. "It will be because it's a girl. I can feel it." Maddy gave a cheesy smile and went over where Todd held baby Alyssa Rae while big Alyssa held Anyssa Maddison. "Lyssa, Nyssa." The young girl spoke. "We get one more girl then we're even! Yay!" Maddy cheered again, causing the grown-ups to laugh.

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