Chapter 55

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Edward walked in his home, headed into the living room to place a fancy urn on the coffee table. He sat down on the couch before he kicked off his shoes and looked at the urn as he ran a hand over his face. "Dammit, Gertie! You just couldn't accept Maddy and Kaleb. And you couldn't play by Tyler's and Rachael's rules. You and that fool son of ours had to snowball this." Edward spoke to the urn. "Then you did the ultimate wrong and got yourself shot up. You have no one to blame but yourself." "What in the hell? Mom's dead? " Charles yelled as he walked in with Jennifer. "Dad! She got shot up?"

Edward looked up and noticed the beautiful, young girl next to his son. "Charles , aren't you going to introduce me to your new girlfriend?" Edward asked, changing the subject before giving a bittersweet smile. Charles stood up straight and looked his dad in the eye "This Jennifer. My wife." He told Edward with pride. "We got married and called mom when she was on vacation. How did she die while on vacation?" Charles asked,  sitting down across from Edward. The older man was shocked at Charles' news. 

"I guess we both have a lot to explain. You go first." Edward said bracing himself for whatever wild news his only son was about to tell. Charles went on about how he and Jenifer ended up man and wife. Edward mentally cussed out Gertrude for leaving him to clean up her messes.

Edward was surprised at Charles' story but more surprised that this fool girl went along with it. He silently decided that if he's legally married to her then he's going to stay married to her. Whether they choose have all sons or daughters or both. He's not going to run away from his responsibilities this time. "Well, dad what do you have to say?" Charles asked, sitting there with Jennifer quietly beside him.  "And explain how is my mother died and ended up in that urn," Charles demanded.

Edward just looked at him like he was crazy. "First of all, there's something you need to know," He said looking between the two of them. "There will be some changes around this family, starting now. It's about time that I put my foot down and take this family by the reigns. First of all, you two will move into this house. So sell that place of yours." Edward told his son with a wave of anger not only directed at him but at his late ex-wife and himself.

 "You're married now, you won't ever need it again. Then-." He said before Charles cut him off. "There's more?" Charles said rolling his eyes. "Yes, there is. So sit back and listen because I hold all the money now.  If you keep up your same old attitude being a player, sowing wild oats as your mother taught you, I will cut you where it hurts. In your pockets." He spoke with an authoritative tone.  "Second," Edward continued on, letting Charles know that he'll finally learn some hard lessons and be put in his place.

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