Chapter 56

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A/N: Tyler and Maddy talk about what was going through their minds and their feelings about everything in this chapter.

Three months later

Rachael felt better having her daughter back home, safe and sound. Even though Sunny still stayed by Maddy's side when she was home, the toddler did allow her to take care of her once Maddy went back to school and at therapy. Rae watched Maddy explained to Sunny that she was Maddy's mama.  And that she wanted to be her mama also.  They introduced her to the new siblings and the baby on the way.

The triplets were getting bigger and starting to walk. Maddy would watch them with mixed emotions while noticing that Micah, Kal, Morgan , Mack all seemed to grow older and grow up more in the time she had been gone.

Tyler took her to her therapy session, as usual, signing in then going to sit down when the receptionist called him. "Mr. Sumner? The doctor wants you to be in the room this session." She told him while holding the door open. Tyler followed Maddy in the room before they both sat on the couch, facing the doctor. They sat before a light brown-skinned older woman with a pixie style haircut. She was poised with her pad and a file seeing their interaction with one another before she spoke. "Mr. Sumner, I normally don't let the parents of my patients come in for the session. Nor do I let them in on what has been said," She paused to see Maddy give her a surprised then and hurt look. 

"But, I feel from watching you both week after week you both need to get it all out. And there's no better place than here. Besides, Maddison, this will help you heal faster." The doctor said as she sat back to start. "You have expressed the nightmares of what went on in the place you were taken. I want you to stand up Maddy and tell your father everything you felt and thought."

Maddy sat there clasping her hands, studying them. "I woke up to darkness because I was blindfolded. And I couldn't move because of the fact that my hands and feet were locked.  When the blindfold was off I watched them shackle my left foot on a chain long enough to let me go to the bathroom and eat." Maddy explained. "That first night I figured out about them speaking Thai and I remembered learning it in school. It was a good thing and a bad thing. Good, because I knew what was going on without them knowing. But bad because I knew what was going on." She paused to see Tyler keeping quiet while staring into his lap.

She exhaled before she went on. "I could understand what the customers were saying to men. "Dek khaay dtuaa saao khaay baaw ri gaan muaa sek. Chai thoong yaang. Dek khaay dtuaa saao khaay baaw ri gaan muaa sek. Chai thoong yaang. Dek khaay dtuaa saao khaay baaw ri gaan muaa sek. Chai thoong yaang. Dek khaay dtuaa saao khaay baaw ri gaan muaa sek. Chai thoong yaang." She repeated over and over from memory. "And what does that mean, Maddison?" The doctor asked while taking notes. Maddy began to wring her hands in a nervous way. " Loosely, it means, 'I want a boy prostitute and a girl prostitute to have sex with. Use a condom.' That's what Yin, the man who locked me up, said to him." 

She looked between both adults with sad eyes. "I don't know what was worse. Having those words replaying in my head.  Or the hearing the screams of the kids that were mine and Sunny's ages replay in my ears.  Or worrying if or when I was next." Maddy admitted and sniffed some before she glanced at Tyler, who still stared in his lap.

"Tell him about Sunny, Maddy." The doctor said softly while she wrote more down. Maddy began to stop the ringing of her hands when a smile appeared on her face. "Sunny. I gave her that name because I didn't know her real name." Maddy began to tell her dad. "They brought her to my room after I heard them talk in Thai about killing her mother, so they could take her to be sold for sex. I did everything I could to make sure she was safe." The young girl began to shake her head before she stared at nothing in particular.

 "I hardly slept. I thought they would come in and hurt one of us. I made her promise not to tell anyone that we could understand each other.  I told her that I was her family now.  They killed her mama so she saw me as another mama. I loved having her there. It seemed less lonely and she brightened up my dark days and gave me hope. Like a sunny day. It's why I named her Sunny." Maddy said while nodding at nothing, trying not to get lost in her thoughts again.

"What about the fact that your grandmother was the one to have you kidnapped." The doctor said as Maddy cut her off. "She is not my grandmother," Maddy said in anger. "My grandmother is named Alyssa Sumner Wolfe. Gertie put her hands around my throat and tried to choke me to death. It's sad the nasty fat man with his creepy reasons wanted to save me from her." The young girl stated with disgust.

"That Gertie had me taken. She was a crazy old lady who got what she deserved.  I don't care to talk about her and the nasty, creepy, fat guy fought over me like two starving dogs after the last piece of meat in the world." Maddy stood up to tell the doctor. "The fat man shot and killed her. And the police killed him. Good riddance to all those bad and nasty men. I hope they get what they gave." Maddy said with anger before she sat back down.

The doctor finished writing before closing the file and notes.  She sat back as she looked at Tyler, patiently waiting for him to speak.  Maddy looked between them both as the doctor cleared her throat. "Mr. Sumner, is there anything you would like to say that to your daughter. Maybe something that's weighing on your chest and mind." She said to him.

 Maddy leaned in to see tears flood her dad's face as he began to sob hard. "I don't have anything to say. Are you done?" Tyler said to the doctor. The doctor sat there while Maddy glanced at her before focusing back on her dad. The doctor nodded to Tyler in response. He got up and headed out the door with Maddy close behind.

When they got in the car, she looked to see Tyler's blue eyes seemed so red. Maddy gently touched his hands, causing him to finally breakdown. "I killed the fat man, then I killed Gertie," Tyler admitted. "Gertie was struggling to breathe and hold on after the fat man shot her. I put my hand over her face and made sure she didn't breathe anymore. Only your granddad, Avery, and Edward know. Your mom doesn't."

"Daddy?" She sniffed some while still holding onto his arm. "What are you thinking about?" Tyler looked into her eyes and felt his body shudder." This is all my fault. If I hadn't met you guys none of this would be happening." He told her. "If I hadn't let them take pictures of you. Who was I fooling to think I was a great father and a good protector?"

"Daddy, you aren't a great father. You are a terrific daddy."Maddy said with pride. "And you've brought so much to all of us. You gave me my childhood while you gave Kal the chance to grow up on his own. You have given Micah, Morgan, and Mackenzie a family. We have new brothers plus a new baby on the way.  Sunny is still in my life and she's our permanent family. I have grandparents and uncles for my aunties. You have given me so much, daddy. If this was anyone's fault it was Charles. And Gertie. I'm the one who feels like I disappointed you." She cried.

Tyler just pulled her close to him and gave her a hug. "Maddison, you can never disappoint me. You are my oldest. My pride and joy." He said. "When your mom and I saw you were taken before our I eyes, I wanted to kill whoever took my baby girl. I took care of your mom and made sure she rested before I went on the warpath. Fighting everyone to make sure they didn't give up. I wasn't going to lose any of my kids. You all are my pride and joy. I thank God that you are okay. That they didn't hurt you." He admitted.

He pulled away from her and looked into her brown eyes. "I killed Gertie. I beat up Charles after the court date, because I don't like it when anyone hurts you or your mother. You all are my heart and my world." He said to her before he hugged her again. Maddy gave a small smile while hugging him in return.  "I love you too, daddy. Can we go home now?" She told him before yawning. "Sure thing, Maddybug," Tyler said, letting her go before taking her hand. "Let's go home to our family."

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