Chapter 18

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Rachael sat there in front of Alyssa while she told the story about her late husband, Marvin, and raising Tyler as a single mom with her parents' help. "They watched him and spoiled him rotten while I went back to school to get my child care degree."  She explained then sighed before glancing at Kaleb sleeping, snuggled in Tyler's lap. Maddy and Rachael paid close attention to her every word, gaining new insight into Tyler's family history.

"I thank God, Mom and Dad were there for us all those years. And Dad picked up where Marvin left off. I have to say that when Tyler followed in my footsteps by babysitting and becoming a nanny, I thought that he would be made fun of." She said with a quick look of worry crossing her features. "I mean he was a kid in junior high school when he began to babysit." She said before showing how proud she was. "But Tyler didn't care about others or how they felt about his choices in life. He wasn't hurting anyone and he was happy.  Years later, I see my son became a nanny to these two beautiful children and fell in love."

"So, you don't mind that he's with me? I'm older than him and -." Rachael said before Alyssa cut her off. "But what?" She said while moving a loose jet black curl from her face. "Age is just a state of mind. He's legal and you're legal. And he's a grown man. You make him happy, Rachael. And I'm sure he makes you happy. Right?" She asked him.

"Yes, he does." Rachael said as she glanced at him quickly."Well then. That's all that matters." Alyssa told them. "But now that my son is this big-name model, I worried about you, Ty," Alyssa said, wringing her hands in worry. "That celebrity crowd all wanting a piece of you." Tyler blushed at his mom, still babying him. "Aww. Mama. I'll be okay." He told her, giving her a smile. "I have this terrific woman by my side.  And these two great kids who love me as much as I love them."

"Well, then that settles it. Let's have lunch." Alyssa stated, standing up before Maddy raised her hand after being so quiet all this time. "Yes, Maddison?" Alyssa asked the little girl while Rachael and Tyler, who was still holding a sleeping Kal, stood up as well.

"Um, Mrs. Sumner, is it alright if we call you Grandma?" She asked, causing Rachael to gasp and Tyler's mouth to open some in shock. Taken aback, Alyssa stepped up towards Maddy and smiled at her. "Grandma? Maddison, are you sure?" She asked in surprise. "My friends and family call me Maddy." The little girl told her. "And yes ma'am. It makes so much sense. Tyler is my daddy and you are my daddy's mama. So, wouldn't that make you my grandma?" The young girl asked as she scratched her head in confusion.

The adults laughed at the knowledge when Maddy turned to Tyler. "Daddy, is it okay?" She asked Tyler.  "That's between you and Grandma," Tyler said with a smirk. Maddy turned back to see Alyssa grin and open her arms to Maddy. "I would love to be your grandma and to have you call me that, sweetie."  She said with pride and her eyes tearing up. Maddy beamed, feeling happy while walking into Alyssa's embrace so they could share a hug.

Alyssa sniffed and used her right hand to wipe away the tears before letting Maddy go. "Well, now that's settled let's go eat." She told them all. "Yay!" Maddy cheered as she and Rachael lead the way. Alyssa stopped Tyler to look him in the eyes. "Yes, Mama?" He said with a straight face. "Tyler, you better marry her soon and make those babies my grandbabies for real." She told him, fighting the tears that threatened to come back.

Tyler just gave a deep laugh while he adjusted holding a still sleeping Kaleb. The little boy's legs were wrapped around Tyler's waist and his arms were wrapped tightly around the young man's neck. Tyler used a free hand to hook around his mother's shoulder. "Don't worry Mama. I plan to do all that, in due time." He told her with a smile.

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