Chapter 14

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A/N:  A short but sweet chapter for you all. Enjoy! 

Kaleb opened his adorable brown eyes as he looked around before sitting up in bed. He got up and headed for his bedroom door which always remained open. His little feet carried him towards Tyler's room. He twisted the knob and saw that he wasn't there. A look of fear crossed Kaleb's face while he moved about the room to search. He looked into Tyler's bathroom to see it was empty as well.

The silence confused Kaleb as he didn't know if he was alone or not. He rushed out of the room into the hallway before heading towards his big sister's room. He twisted the knob and saw that she was sleeping in her bed. He moved quickly towards her and smacked her body as he tried to communicate with her. "AHHHHHHHHHH!" He screamed in her ear while he began to push her. Maddy started to come out of her sleep, rubbing her eyes before noticing Kaleb in panic mode. 

"Kal." She said in a sleepy voice. "Kal!" She repeated noticing the scared look he had. "What is it, sweetie?" She said as she got up. "T-T-T! AHHHHHH! BA. BA. BA!" He said while he held her hand with his left and smacked the side of his head with the right one. Maddy grabbed his right hand with her free one and shook her head. "No, Kaleb. No hitting yourself. Please." She pleaded. "Now calm down. Shhhhhh." She spoke softly while he started to rock in place.

"Now what about, Tyler." She asked him. Maddy let her brother lead her out of her room and into Tyler's. She saw he wasn't there. That was strange because he's always there. Maddy turned back to her little brother who stood still, only rocking in place. She now had the same worried look he had.

She started to search every room on the first floor but there was no sign of him. "No, he didn't leave us. He promised that he'd care for us and love us. He didn't leave like- like-." She said to herself before remembering her mom was upstairs asleep. She'd ask her mom and they'll figure out what to do.

Maddy took Kaleb's hand and carefully led him upstairs before they headed to their mom's room. She touched the knob and twisted it open slowly. When she walked into the huge room, the look of fear and worry left Maddy's face only to be replaced with a gigantic grin. Her mouth opened wide to the sight of her mom sleeping in Tyler's arms, snuggled under the covers. Tyler was deep asleep himself, with the same smile on his face that was on her mom's.

Maddy turned her head to see that Kaleb saw Tyler and was about to wake him up. She stopped him and placed a finger on her lips. She gave him the sign for sleeping before leading him out of the room quietly. Once she closed the door back carefully, she turned to him and whispered. "Kal, Tyler is sleeping. He didn't go anywhere. He just doing what a daddy does. Sleeping with mama. Come on, I'll go get us a snack until they wake up. Wanna watch Sesame Street?"

Kal smiled as Maddy helped him back downstairs before walking into the kitchen to get them a snack. The sister and brother then headed to the playroom to watch TV.  Maddy giggled as they sat there silently wondering if  Tyler and her mama would get married. Then Tyler could adopt her and Kaleb, making them a true family.

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