Chapter 6

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Taylor arrived back to the house with Kaleb to the side of him rocking about and Maddy behind him reading a book. He unlocked the door and noticed the quietness throughout the place. "Rachael." He spoke in a normal tone while closing the door. He watched Kaleb tilt his head and raise his right hand, letting his fingers move in a wiggle motion. He knew he couldn't yell out for her because the noise would be too much for the boy.

Maddy went into her room as Tyler searched the house, wondering where she could have gone. As he passed the bulletin board, he glanced up and saw a note. He took it off to read what it said. His eyes narrowed as he shook his head before dropping the note to the table. Tyler pushed what he read aside and went about the afternoon taking care of the siblings.

Four hours later, Rachael arrived back, looking refreshed with a new outfit in her hand. She stepped in as the aroma of strawberry waffles and bacon filled the air. She went upstairs to put her bags down before coming back to the kitchen to see that Tyler was quietly severing the food to Maddy and Kaleb. "Wow. Breakfast at dinner?" She asked before sitting down. "Hi, Mommy," Maddy spoke as she began to eat. "Hey, Baby," Rachael said before planting a kiss on her daughter. "Hi, Sweetie." She turned and spoke to Kaleb as he just rocked and grinned while staring at his fingers. 

Rachael glanced up to see Tyler keep busy, not making eye contact as he sat down to eat. "Thank you, Tyler. I know I was supposed to cook tonight." Rachael explained. "Don't worry about it. I got your note. I understand loud and clear." He stated as he kept his head down focused on his plate. "Besides, Maddy wanted breakfast for dinner. I didn't mind."

Minutes passed as they all ate in silence, except for the occasional outburst from Kaleb. Maddy released a yawn that made both adults lookup. They noticed the little girl nodding off in what was left of her food. "Maddy, baby, you can go to bed," Rachael said standing up to clear the table. "Tyler, can you get Kal to bed? I will clean the kitchen." She asked Tyler.  He gave her a look, finally noticing her while he did as he was told.

An hour later, Rachael had the kitchen clean and was upstairs getting ready in her new outfit. Rachael wore her hair down and was feeling wonderful. The spa day she had with Bette, this black Opaque Mini Dress with Bow, and the black six inch heels made her feel sexier than she had ever been. And at the moment she wondered where this newfound freedom came from.

Unknown to her, the answer walked up to her bedroom door.  When he knocked once she turned towards it to speak through it. "Yes?" "Rachael? Bette is here." Tyler said through the door. "Okay. Tell her I'll be down in a minute. I need to grab my purse." She told him while glancing in the mirror one  last time. "Will you be gone all night?" He asked after taking a pause. "Well, not sure. I guess I didn't think you might have plans. I'm sorry." She stated, stepping to the bed to get her purse. "No, I don't. I just was concerned-. Never mind. Have a good time."  He said before walking away from the door and downstairs.

Rachael stops to grab her jacket before she walking out of the room and downstairs. Bette looked up at her as she gave a low whistle. "OOH, Mama! You are on fire!" Bette playfully catcalled to Rachael. Her opal colored eyes sparkled as she grinned while taking her friend's new look in. "You look great too, miss thang! I can't believe you cut your long hair! It's so short." Rachael said with a smile.

"But I have to say the short cut with the layers works on you and so is that Ujena's Gold Jazzy Dress." Rachael complimented her back. The dress enhanced Bette's dark brown skin and fit her just right. The ladies were about to walk out of the house when Tyler stepped out of his room and caught sight of them. His eyes remained focused on Rachael as he dropped his book, causing the women to turn around.

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