Chapter 46

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A/N: Jennifer and Charles are married. And a warning: rape at the end of this chapter. Please skip if you don't want nightmares or visions stuck in your head. I had to zone out and blast music in my headphones while writing this chapter just to get through it.

Still in the states, two hours after they left the clinic

Jennifer was in bed at her and Charles' apartment as he walked in with her medicine and something to drink. "Here, baby, drink this kool-aid and take your meds. I want you fully healed and better so we can work on making that baby girl. Then I can finally give my parents the grandkid they rightfully deserve." He told her before watching her take all of her medicine and drink the entire glass. "So, how does it feel to be Mrs. Charles Stoldworth IV?" He asked her, grinning. Jennifer genuinely smiled for the first time all day as she handed him the glass back.

"Great! I love being your wife. I love you so much." She said while touching his hand. "Well, stick with me, babe. It's only about to get better. I'm gonna go call my mom and tell her to come over to meet you." He said before walking out the room and into the kitchen. He placed the glass in the sink before pulling out his cell phone.

Charles waited through several rings before his mom answered her cell phone. "Hello, Charles, darling! How are you?" Gertrude smiled into the phone. "I'm fine, mama. In fact, I have some great news.said, feeling like he could walk on sunshine. "I finally settled down. I chose one of my long term girlfriends to marry. I went and got married today at the justice of the peace. I'm married, mom!" Charles said boastfully to his mother.

"What?" Gertrude yelled as the warm wind blew around her. She ignored the white sandy beach before her, listening to her son once again do something stupid. "You went and just eloped to city hall? What in the hell did you go do a stupid thing like that for? I swear Charles, sometimes you can be so fucking stupid!" She barked at him. "Wait until I see this gold digger! She's probably just after your money." 

"Mama, she isn't a gold digger. And I want you to meet her. She's going to have all the granddaughters you and dad could spoil. All for me." He told her. "When are you coming over?" He asked as he walked into the bathroom. "I can't. I'm out of town on business."She told him. "I left a note with your father, who hasn't been home that much as well. So, I guess we'll deal with this later. Goodbye, Charles." She said, rolling her eyes. "Bye, mama," Charles said before they both hung up.

Gertrude tried to relax again in her expensive lawn chair before she was brought a fruity beverage. "I can't believe that fool son of mine. I will deal with his mess after I take care of my other business first." She spoke to herself before sipping her drink.

At the Sumner household

"Okay, the family doctor is with Rae," Tyler said in a tired tone. "She sedated and calm for now. Dad, please tell these people are going to find Maddy?" He asked looking Todd in the eyes. "Son, this is the best of the best of the FBI, the Missing Child Taskforce, as well as local law enforcement," Todd explained. "I even called in the bomb squad about what happened at school. They are at the school handing that part of the investigation." Todd said. "Listen to your dad, Tyler," Alyssa said. "All of our friends and family are out there leaving no stone unturned." She stepped up to her son and placed a hand at his back to soothe him. "Bette, Candice, Lucy, and Janice are splitting time between helping us here with the kids and Rae. Their husbands are doing all they can also." She told him. "Baby, we'll bring her back in one peace. Still healthy and happy."

"Yes, there an all-state and countrywide Amber Alert also. We'll find her." Edward said as he walked into the living room with a sleeping baby Todd in his arms. "We won't give up. Even if I have to use every dime I have to find our Maddy. She's coming back home to us. I promise you."

Back in the islands

Gertrude opened her eyes then stretched. She laid there lazily in the shade while watching the vacationers and natives frolic and enjoy the day as she did. She reached in her bag and pulled out her cell to dial a number. "Hello? Did it work? Do you have her?" Gertrude asked in an excited tone. "Wonderful. She doesn't know anything, does she? Terrific. Your first payment has been wired into your account." She said while pulling out an expensive tablet to send a bank transfer through. "I also sent enough to keep Maddison there until the proper time for me to know it's safe to come to get her. Fine. Don't call unless it's absolutely necessary."

Gertrude ended the call before placing both devices back in her summer bag so she could continue to relax the day away.

Nighttime- Somewhere in Thailand

After she woke up, Maddy calmed her down. It took some time but she had finally gotten the baby to relax and go to sleep after feeding her a bottle. She had to beg and plead for diapers and such for the little girl. She proved to tell the truth when the baby was developing nasty bedsores from the diaper rash. She had the rash because she had been in the same diaper since she had been taken. The little girl wasn't a difficult toddler, in fact, she brightened up Maddy so much she gave her new name 'Sunny'. It seemed that no one knew or cared to know her name. They just wanted to use and hurt Sunny.

The room was pitch-black dark as Maddy snuggled with Sunny on the bed. Maddy heard the blond man mention talking to someone about her and receiving payment. The young girl grew scared, holding onto Sunny a bit tighter but not so much as to wake her. Her eyes were open seeing only the darkness around her.  Her brown eyes glanced down to see Sunny's golden tan colored skin tone and her white disposable diaper. She smiled and sighed, feeling relief. Even at night, the toddler was making being here somewhat bearable.

As Maddy continued to lay there, she heard the man who put the shackles on, named Yin, talked to another Thai man through the door. From what she could make out it was a customer asking for a boy and a girl. "Dek khaay dtuaa [barboy (male or boy prostitute) ] saao khaay baaw ri gaan(bargirl, female prostitute) muaa sek [to indulge in sex]." The unknown man said.

"Chai thoong yaang (use a condom),'' Yin told him as he led the man somewhere. Maddy cringed at the words she picked up on, wishing she truly didn't understand. It was a few minutes later when she heard screams that were somewhat cracked and a bit deep. She knew he was with the boy. Maddy buried her face under the pillow trying to drown out the boy's screams echoing in her ears.

Sometime later the man was led to the girl. Yin told him that they had to chase the girl in order to get her to the room. So they had to put her to sleep. He walked into a bedroom, where the wall was next to Maddy's. She eerily heard his pants unzip before he got in the bed, making it creak. Maddy's heart took a nosedive while she could hear the man speak. "Mai dtawng huaang raawk chan mai rak lap thuuhr. (You don't have to worry, I won't (sexually) arouse you during your sleep.)"

Maddy moved both of hand over her ears and concentrated on the sound of her rapid breathing to silence the man next door. Once it was over you could hear him give Yin extra pay for giving him a virgin boy and a virgin girl. Maddy began to quietly hyperventilate as she tried to calm herself down. When she was finally calm, she held onto Sunny again and whispered a prayer. "God, please send my daddy to me. Please make sure that my daddy and mama find me soon. Amen."

The Thai words and sentence I used came from this site:

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