Chapter 4

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Two weeks later, Saturday morning

Tyler got up early while the rest of the house was still sleeping. He brewed a pot of coffee before he got Maddy's favorite cereal out. He was preparing Kal's favorite breakfast when he heard footsteps quietly shuffle from behind. He set the bowl of dry cheerios with an exact number of grapes down in Kal's spot.  Tyler then turned at the sound to see Rachael walk-in half-sleep. He watched her feel her way to the coffee while her shoulder-length hair covered her face. She managed to pour her a cup and add sugar and cream without spilling a drop.

Just as she sat down, Maddy and Kal made their way in. The kids sat down and began to eat quietly while Tyler went to the toaster to pull out four nicely hot and toasted bagels. He placed them on two plates and sat them down. He then grabbed the strawberry cream cheese before sitting in between Maddy and Rachael.

As the little ones ate their food, Tyler ate while sneaking peeks at Rachael. He noticed the long t-shirt she wore and the man's pajamas. He wondered if all she owned was suits and frumpy male bedclothes. He knew that underneath all that clothing was the most beautiful body he had never seen.

Tyler hadn't realized how hard he was staring until Maddy called his name. "Tyler? Tyler?" "Huh?" He replied as he turned to her. "Why are you staring at my mommy like that?" She asked aloud. Tyler choked on his bagel while Rachael coughed on her coffee. She glanced at him as he looked around then turned to face the young girl. "I was- I was thinking that your mom is a cool person. She gave me this great job taking care of her wonderful children. And she is a special person to be blessed to have terrific kids like you and your little brother." Tyler said to the young girl. 

Maddy just stared at him then to her mother before smiling. "Really? Thanks. I think she's great too." Maddy said, satisfied with his response. Tyler was in the middle of breathing a sigh of relief when he looked in Rachael's direction, catching her staring back at him.

She arched a brow, letting him know that was a nice save. Tyler finished the exhale as his deep masculine voice was barely a whisper. "I think I will go do something." He mumbled walking out of the kitchen. Rachael just sat there with a small smile on her face, remembering what her friends told her. "Mommy," Maddy called to her. "Yes, baby?"Rachael replied. "I think Tyler is a cool guy. Can we keep him forever?" Maddy said innocently.

Rachael turned to Maddy and gave her a sweet look. "I don't know about keeping him forever, sweetie," Rachael said, honestly. "But for as long as we need him I'm sure he'll be there for us." She started to smile and decided that maybe she will let loose a bit more.

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